22 June 2012

Friday Fling! Always a Bridesmaid by Cindi Myers


During Friday Fling , I share with you a "just for fun" romance book or novella that I read and really enjoyed.  It will generally be a "mini review" instead of a full review and I'll often stray from my YA focus into the realm of adult romance (which, in case you're curious, is my not-so-guilty pleasure).  These are books that I think are fun, quick reads that are definitely worth checking out!

It should come as no surprise at this point that I love Entangled publishing's Indulgence line...A LOT. I've gotten a little behind on reading them (more because I'm trying to BUY fewer books than because I don't want to read them) but my goal is still to read them all! I think I'm only 5 behind...:)

Publisher: Indulgence (Entangled Publishing)
Release Date: 23 April 2012
Get it! Amazon | B&N
Stephanie's been a bridesmaid six times now and has pretty much given up on finding love--even when her new landlord, Mike, turns her into a hormonal teenager.  Mike's not looking for love either--just getting over his ex-wife and giving his son a stable home.  A bet with her father forces her to take a chance on Mike, but will either of them be able to push their doubts aside and give love a chance?

Stephanie is a wonderful female lead--smart, independent, and fully capable of taking care of herself. She's determined to finish her graduate degree and someday be fully capable of taking over her father's business.  Mike is in the construction business and if one judges from the home Stephanie moved into, he's quite good at it.  Top that off with his clear adoration of his son and BAM you've got a powerhouse couple that you're cheering for from the moment their eyes meet for the first time. Stephanie and Mike's "relationship" (although they both choose to TRY to ignore the sparks) is a bumpy road of learning to trust another person and figure out how their lives could fit together.  Their story is sweet and satisfying to the very end.

1 comment:

  1. I really need to check out more of their Indulgence line. I have two books from it. I really love Entangled's books. I just have so many books that I need to read that I have bought and am trying not to buy more until I get through some.


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