21 June 2012

Swoon Thursday (6-21)

So...I've never participated in this meme before and I don't know that it will make a regular appearance, but I read a good one this week and wanted to share! You can join in the fun at YA Bound! Here's the rules (from their site):
It's that time again! We created a HOT meme, and if you're new to the game, here's how to join in the fun: From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering. Shout it out on Twitter with the hashtag #YABound, post it here in the comments, or grab the adorable button above and share it on your blog! We want to know :-)
Fun right?! So, here's mine:

I captured her mouth severely at first and my knees almost buckled beneath me. I closed me eyes in drunken ecstasy, softening immediately, savoring every taste, every sweet flavor she possessed. I sunk into her body, running my hand to the back of her neck, sliding it slowly down her back, gripping her waist and bringing her tightly to me. She had to have felt my desperation for her but I didn't care. She silently answered a plea of desperation of her own when her hands squeezed  tighter around my shoulders and I moaned lightly at the pleasure of it.

 Can I just say this: if you like darker contemporary reads with very real characters who will make you scream, cry, and grin like an idiot, then you're missing out if you haven't bought and read Callum & Harper.  Seriously.  I'll be putting a review of it up probably next Friday, but you shouldn't wait that long. :)


  1. Dang. What is it about a boy moaning that is so appealing?!?! Thanks for sharing.

    Here's my Swoon


  2. OoO this is soo on my wishlist!! Love the cover and the premise!

  3. Ohh that sounds very swoon worthy. I need to read Callum and Harper. I have heard that is awesome. When I finally get around to that I will definitely pick this one up.


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!