06 June 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (64)

"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where book bloggers discuss the books that they are most anxiously waiting for! (And this fabulous button was designed by my dear blogger friend Lindsay at The Violet Hour)

This week I'm waiting on...

Dualed by Elsie Chapman
© 26 February 2013 by Random House
Would you live through the ultimate test of survival?

The city of Kersh is a safe haven, but the price of safety is high. Everyone has a genetic Alternate—a twin raised by another family—and citizens must prove their worth by eliminating their Alts before their twentieth birthday. Survival means advanced schooling, a good job, marriage—life.

Fifteen-year-old West Grayer has trained as a fighter, preparing for the day when her assignment arrives and she will have one month to hunt down and kill her Alt. But then a tragic misstep shakes West’s confidence. Stricken with grief and guilt, she’s no longer certain that she’s the best version of herself, the version worthy of a future. If she is to have any chance of winning, she must stop running not only from her Alt, but also from love . . . though both have the power to destroy her.
Isn't this cover AWESOME? I love love love how active the girl is and the contrasting position of her shadow.  It evokes power and strength.  Can't wait to read this one next year!

Add it to your Goodreads shelf!

Also, I figured I would combine this post with W.W.W. Wednesdays...so here is some more info about my reading for this week! To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…Grab the logo...and post your link at Should Be Reading!


What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What are YOU waiting on this week?


  1. Great pick! I don't know if I would live through the ultimate test of survival lol, I hope you have a great day!

  2. audris jimenez06 June, 2012 08:59

    Wow! This one does sound really good. I will definitely be adding it to my tbr list. And I hope you enjoy Monument 14. I read it last month and really liked it :)

  3. The Assasin's Curse looks so great :)


  4. I haven’t heard of any of these books, but I hope you enjoy them all!

    You can find my WWW post here http://www.peekabook.it/2012/06/www-wednesdays-june-06.html
    Happy reading! :)


  5. I haven't heard of any of them, but the covers are gorgeous!

  6. I skipped WWW Wednesday this week :( But I'm totally jealous of the books you've been reading. Love your WoW pick.

    I think I've mentioned this before, but I love your blog. It is so cute.

    Here's my pick for the week.~Danica Page Taking It One Page at a Time

  7. Dualed sounds so good. I saw it last week and it totally caught my interest. I see that you might be reading Ripper soon. I heard that was really good. I tried to read The Peculiars, but it wasn't for me. 

  8. I just discovered DUALED last week! It looks awesome. And I agree with what you said about the cover. It's so neat how her shadow is different. Thanks for sharing!

    Feel free to check out my WoW here.

  9. Awesome pick! I have Dualed on my TBR list!
    My WoW


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