20 July 2012

Cover Reveal: Hollowed by Kelley York

You should know that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVED Kelley York's debut novel, Hushed, when I read it last year.  I've read it in its entirety at least twice and in bits and pieces on numerous occasions. I pimped it out to a close friend who loved it just as much and we talk about it ALL THE TIME.  I stalk follow Kelley's blog and Twitter a lot some to keep an eye out for more from her because I LOVE her writing. You know when you read a book and you know you'll love everything that author does?  That was Hushed for me. Am I rambling? Yes?  Okay, well, when I saw on her blog that she had decided to self-publish a book this fall AND she has a new Entangled Pub book coming out next year, this was me:

So OF COURSE I wanted to participate in revealing her new cover!  Have I made you wait long enough yet? Maybe you want to see this beautiful gem now?  OKAY!


Publisher: Self
Release Date: 15 August 2012
All 18-year-old Briar Greyson wanted was to figure out this whole living-away-from-your-parents thing. Apartment, steady job, cool roommate? Check. Noah, her adorable (albeit elusive) boyfriend? Check. Everything in the life of Briar was pretty good.

Then she and her roommate are attacked on their way home one night. Briar wasn't supposed to survive.

Instead, according to the two guys who saved her, she's turning into the things that attacked her: a vampire. Totally crazy and Not Okay. Now Noah's secrets are coming to light, and he wants Briar dead. Then there are the vampires who attacked Briar to lure out her sister.

Her sister...who died years ago.

(Didn't she?)

The city's body count is rising, and Briar wants to help put a stop to it. But first, she has to figure out who the real enemy is: the vampires, the boy she loves, or the sister she thought she'd lost.

Add it to your "To Read" List on Goodreads!

Meet Kelley! 
Kelley was born and raised in central California, where she still resides with her lovely wife, daughter, and an abundance of pets. (Although she does fantasize about moving across the globe to Ireland.) She has a fascination with bells, adores all things furry – be them squeaky, barky, or meow-y – is a lover of video games, manga and anime, and likes to pretend she’s a decent photographer. Her life goal is to find a real unicorn. Or maybe a mermaid.

I've also decided that an impromptu giveaway is in order! I LOVED Kelley's first book, Hushed (as evidenced by my slightly "gushy" review). So, since she's showing off this fun new cover today, I'm actually going to giveaway an e-book of Hushed. I love her writing that much and this giveaway is all me. a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you so much for participating in the reveal! :)

  2. The cover is so pretty! and I know that Pushy from my blog LOVED Hushed too!! She was mesmerized by this book, si I get your excitement :)

  3. I can't WAIT for this one. It just sounds really different, and I'm super excited to see Kelley's take on vamps!

    Molli | Once Upon a Prologue


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