13 July 2012

Fab {Indie} Friday: Thomas & January by Fisher Amelie


Release Date: 15 June 2012
Publisher: Self-pub
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased from B&N

Get a copy! AmazonB&N
(It's only $2.99 and totally worth it.)

Goodreads description:
Thomas Eriksson thinks he has it all figured out.
"People crossed the street when they saw me. I’m not really sure why that was. I mean, okay, I might have looked a bit intimidating if I was being truthful with you. I’d changed since New York. New York represented a life that wasn’t real, not truthfully, anyway. No, New York was the “young, immature, in love, idiot" side of Tom. The “Tie-Dye Tom of New York City” didn’t exist anymore. Tie-Dye Tom was dead."

January Mac Lochlainn thinks she’s her own worst enemy.

"I quit Berkeley. Threw away a full scholarship. Plans, you ask? What plans?"

But they’re both wrong.
My Thoughts...
After I finished reading Callum & Harper, I felt like I had fallen into a new world where I clearly wanted to stay for awhile. I'd made new friends and wasn't ready to leave.  Thankfully, I timed my reading perfectly and shortly after I finished reading C&H, Thomas & January came out! T&J was a fabulous read that sated my need for more of this world and these people.  With a decidedly lighter air than its predecessor, Thomas & January is the story of two people in love and the ups and downs they experience in finding each other.

I've often lamented the lack of good fiction with college-age protagonists, and Fisher Amelie has delivered not one, but TWO, really great novels that fit the bill. Thomas & January presents the story of an unlikely pair of musicians finding their own way in the music industry, having both diverted their attention from the performance aspect of the industry (despite both being very talented). Their random meeting at an Austin, TX, bar sparks an instant attraction that is an oddity for both. You know what they say--absence makes the heart grow fonder. Despite being separated by the miles between Austin and New York, neither can get the other person (or the electric kiss that they shared) out of their dreams. When they're thrown together for a work assignment, they have a choice--they can either continue to fight their growing attraction or explore the true depths of their feelings.

If you've read Callum & Harper, then I hope you pick up this second series installment without hesitation. In this sequel/companion, the reader meets Tom, who's been devastated by what he thought was love and ran away, and January, a talented pianist who gives up her full-ride to Berkely because it's not "fun" anymore. Their attraction is instantaneous and undeniable and I really enjoyed watching them develop together. January has a lot to learn and is very naive in many ways. Tom has had is heart broken and doesn't think that he wants any woman in his life at all. The way that they are able to navigate the real world and learn to trust each other makes for a beautiful story. Fans of YA and contemporary romance will find this novel a fabulous read.

It was impossible to wipe the smile off my face when I was done with this one. It's worth every penny you spend on it and every moment you spend completely immersed in its pages.


  1. Gosh I need to read these books! I still need toread the first one, but seeing you so excited!! Although I have to say that I truly do not like when couples are separated in the second book. They either split up or a differently separated.. but I guess it's has to be. You are right: Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

  2. Christina Ahn15 July, 2012 18:41

    oooh this one looks good.

    FYI, I just finished Insignia. It won me over in the end but I was a little shocked by the Harry Potter Trio (Tom, Vik, Wyatt) ;-) I just put up a review on my site. It was great seeing you last week! :-)


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