27 July 2012

Friday Fling! Take It Like a Vamp by Candace Havens


During Friday Fling , I share with you a "just for fun" romance book or novella that I read and really enjoyed.  It will generally be a "mini review" instead of a full review and I'll stray from my YA focus into the realm of adult romance (which, in case you're curious, is my not-so-guilty pleasure).  These are books that I think are fun, quick (sexy) reads that are definitely worth checking out!

At some point it's going to seem like "Friday Fling!" is just my soapbox to talk about my love of Entangled Publishing (and maybe that's true just a little bit), but they honestly put out really great romance reads. This week's feature was truly a gem of a read. The teaser on their website had me laughing so I knew I had to buy it! Check out this super fun read from Entangled's newest line--Covet!

Publisher: Covet (Entangled Publishing)
Release Date: July 2012
Get it! Amazon B&N icon
Nick and Casey are best friends. Just friends. Nothing but FRIENDS. At least that's what they each spend a significant time convincing themselves. When Nick finally takes a chance and invites Casey into his world as more than a friend, will she be able to handle the consequences? Better yet, will Nick learn to trust that this feisty woman is one tough chick?

I can't remember the last time that I laughed and smiled as much as I did reading Take It Like a Vamp. The main character, Casey, is awesomely fun to get to know. I loved her snark and her real, curvy body and her insecurities and her fierce loyalty and her strength of character.  This chick had it all and I seriously loved her.  Top that off with Nick--the loyal, hot, BFF next door guy--and you've got a friends-to-lovers romance that will knock your socks off. The sizzling chemistry is rounded off with a dash of danger, a fabulous cast of side characters (LOVED Linc and Mason), and a trip to the Greek Islands, creating a fabulous, fast-paced, laugh-out-loud romance novel.  I can't help but hope that Ms. Havens gives us more stories like this (can you say series potential?!). I do believe I'll be heading off in search of more of her books while I wait hopefully for another one like this. :)

1 comment:

  1. This sounds good. I need to read some of the hundreds of books I already have before buying too many new books though. As tempting as this sounds lol!!


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