17 March 2011

Hop & Follow Friday! (2)

It's that time again...

"Follow My Book Blog" Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee's View. Check her blog out!
Question of the Week: How did you come up with your blog name?

Well, that's an interesting question to be sure.  It took me quite awhile to come up with something that I like and I still think about changing in on a fairly regular basis!  My username in public library catalog is ReadingFanatic (which also applies to my LibraryThing account and my Goodreads account). I considered using that, but it just didn't sound right.  For awhile the title was "Musings of Things Neither Here Nor There," which was better but still not what I felt like I was looking for.  

What I'm trying to say...I don't have a really good idea of how I got the title!  It was just me trying to mash together book-related words and phrases and viola!  We'll see if it sticks!

Book Blogger Hop

"Book Blogger Hop" is a weekly hop hosted by Crazy for Books

This week's question comes from Somer who blogs at A Bird's Eye Review:
 "Do you read only one book at a time, or do you have several going at once?"

I almost always have several going at once.  However, I find that means I'm not generally as "in to" the ones I leave aside to read little bits at a time. One thing I will say is that since I got my NookColor, I almost ALWAYS have more than one going at a time.  Call it ADD or whatever you may...but I can have so many books with me ALL THE TIME.  Hence, I usually have a couple going on my NC at the same time plus a "real" book too.  Currently, I have 2 going on my NC and 1 physical book....although I'm planning on reading an entirely different book on my NC this coming Sunday when I get to read!
    Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to read your answers to these questions! Where'd you get your blog name? One book or many? Leave a note and I'll hit you back!!


    1. Hi Jessi,

      I just found you through the hop and now following your blog, too. I'm impressed by your ability to read so many at once - I'm a one book at a time kind of girl. I look forward to reading your future posts!

      Take care & happy reading,
      Ms C

    2. I think of little Jack Horner who sat in the corner when I see your title.

      I usually have multiple books going at one time, too.
      My Head is Full of Books

    3. I like "Reading Fanatic" - there is a blog out there by that name, so I assume that's not you?

      I love my nook - it's so nice knowing that I've got dozens of books in one neat package. After using a kindle, I thought it would feel "too small" in my hands, but it actually feels just right.

    4. Hopping through. What do you think of your NookColor? Is the color really worth it?
      My Hop

    5. New follower hopping by! I really like your blog name!

      Happy Friday!
      My Hop!

    6. I usually have a handful of books going at once, mine are due to audiobooks or taking breaks from ones that just don't catch my attention as well. :)

    7. I'm thinking about switching to a nookcolor but I'm not sure if it is worth it. I've had my ereader for about a year and a half and I love it, but the noookcolor is soooo pretty.

      I usually read one book at a time unless something comes up. I'm a new follower.


    8. I'm very similar, I tend to have multiple books going at once. I don't have an e-reader, but I'm sure if I did, the number of books at once would definitely go up!

      Happy Hopping!
      ~Anne (creativityscorner.blogspot.com)

    9. Wow, that's pretty impressive to have so many going at once! Happy Hopping :D


    10. Not everyone can multi-task and nobody should. When it comes to book sure, I can't read four books simultaneously (or even two, for that matter!) but there are times I'll juggle as many as four books at a time depending on the subject matter, the urgency or more often both.

      The real trick to this is what KINDS of books to juggle. Hop on over to my blog and learn the method behind my madness - http://www.howardshermannet
      Howard Sherman

    11. For those who asked, yes, I LOVE my NookColor and I did not think that I would. I've always been a bit of a book "purist" in the sense that I love the physical experience of reading a book. However, there are a lot of things that I love about it.

      The portablility is fabulous. The screen is a perfect size (I had previously played around with a Sony and didn't like it at all). The brightness of the LCD screen can be adjusted to suite the situation. The NookColor doesn't give me headaches the way that reading on a computer often does. The Internet accessibility is a great feature as is the ability to utilize it with MP3 files (audiobooks!). I could gush about it for awhile...obviously.

    12. I always have several books going at once! Your blog name's cute. I don't read in a corner, though. Haha.

      Have a great weekend!
      iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books

      Btw, Kindle's great, too! Haha.

    13. I'm thinking about switching to a nookcolor but I'm not sure if it is worth it. I've had my ereader for about a year and a half and I love it, but the noookcolor is soooo pretty.

      I usually read one book at a time unless something comes up. I'm a new follower.


    14. I like "Reading Fanatic" - there is a blog out there by that name, so I assume that's not you?

      I love my nook - it's so nice knowing that I've got dozens of books in one neat package. After using a kindle, I thought it would feel "too small" in my hands, but it actually feels just right.

    15. Hi Jessi,

      I just found you through the hop and now following your blog, too. I'm impressed by your ability to read so many at once - I'm a one book at a time kind of girl. I look forward to reading your future posts!

      Take care & happy reading,
      Ms C


    I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!