17 March 2011

Hunger Games Casting: Take 1

I don't know about you, but I'm SUPER excited for the Hunger Games trilogy to be made into movies.  However, I'm also SO NERVOUS about it! I mean, how many books has Hollywood really screwed up when they made them into movies? I'm sure we can all name a few.  There have been so many rumors about the casting of Katniss and Peeta...

The first casting has officially taken place!  It was announced today that Jennifer Lawrence will play the much-coveted role of Katniss!
There's a lot of controversy surrounding this casting.  What are your thoughts?  Personally, I don't know a lot about Jennifer's acting.  A lot of complaints are that she's blonde and pale, but let's be honest: hair dye and makeup can do A LOT in Hollywood.  The other complaint is that she's too old (she's 20), but again: makeup and costumes.  I think it all comes down to acting ability, something no amount of hair dye, makeup, costuming, and lighting can change.  If Lionsgate thinks she's got it, then for now, I'm gonna reserve judgment.  Over all, I'm not all that riled up about the choice.  From all the snip-its of Winter's Bone that I've seen, the girl can definitely pull off the gritty-but-sensitive role.

I think now the bigger question turns to Peeta.  They can't cast too young on this one or they'll make Jennifer's age obvious.  So many rumors abound on who will win the role.  I'm strongly in the "not-Alex-Pettyfer" camp (I don't think he fits). 

What are your thoughts? Was Jennifer the right Katniss choice?  Who is your pick for Peeta?  Any thoughts on your other favorite characters?

(I'll start: A long time ago I heard a rumor that Hugh Laurie of House fame might have a stab at the part of Haymitch.  Perfect, right? Now it's your turn...)


  1. I like this girl better than Megan Fox for Katniss, for sure.

    And if Hugh Laurie was Haymitch...DUDE! That would rule! He would be perfect!

  2. I love Hugh Laurie! He'd be great as Haymitch! And I'd almost like to see William Moseley as Peeta. Not 100% sure. Maybe Ben Barnes as Gale. Just cuz I love Ben Barnes.


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