27 March 2011

In My Mailbox (1)

"In My Mailbox" is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren.

I don't usually do these posts, largely because I've been on a bit of a book buying/borrowing hiatus.  This week proved to be a tad different however and I'm SO excited about my new reading material that I just had to share.


A Modern Witch by Debora Geary

I won this one on LibraryThing! I was SO EXCITED because I never win ANYTHING and I thought that this book looked like an interesting story.  

For Review:
(my first books from NetGalley!)

(Did I mention I was pretty sure I'd get declined again so I requested a bunch? And I'm already behind on my reading list because I gave up reading for Lent!)

Bite Me by Parker Blue
Heir to the Everlasting by Janice Daugharty
Shine by Lauren Myracle
Where She Went by Gayle Forman
Lost in Dreams by Roger Bruner
The Blackhope Enigma by Teresa Flavin


Sovay be Celia Rees
If I Stay by Gayle Forman

Sovay I fell in love with when I stumbled upon it while shelving at the local public library.  The cover drew me in at first, but then the story just caught my attention.  I've wanted to check it out from the library for awhile, but I found I couldn't put it back down after I found it at the bookstore. So, home it came.
If I Stay has been on my to read list basically since it came out. The other day I saw the sequel available on NetGalley and decided I'd request it (even though I figured I'd get declined...). Then I found the paperback of this one while wondering around the bookstore (the same trip that I picked up Sovay) and it ended up coming home as well.  I couldn't help it! 


OHMYGOODNESSI'VEBEENSOEXCITEDABOUTTHIS!!!  I pre-ordered this book for my NookColor so that I could download it the morning it came out.  Not that I will be able to read it for a could of weeks yet, but just to have it! I am THAT excited to read this.  (And I'm seriously worried that it has been over-hyped and I'll hate it...)

(Did I mention I also have an order from The Book Depository coming my way? More details next week!)

What's new in your book world this week?

Happy Reading!


  1. Great set! I enjoyed Wither. I'm reading Shine right now. It's a little slow, but interesting.
    My IMM

  2. Great books. Netgalley is the best. I got Where She Went this week too and I loved it! Just as good as If I Stay.
    Happy reading.

  3. Great set! I enjoyed Wither. I'm reading Shine right now. It's a little slow, but interesting.
    My IMM


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