25 March 2011

Hop & Follow Friday! (3)

"Follow My Book Blog" Friday is a fun Friday meme hosted by Parajunkee's View.  Want to join in the fun?  Check out her blog for details on how! On to this week's "question!"


Q. Inspired by the inane twitter trend of #100factsaboutme, give us five BOOK RELATED silly facts about you. 

  1. I am a compulsive book buyer.  This problem has gotten increasingly worse since my acquisition of a NookColor.  I make deals with my husband that he can buy beer-related things (he's a brewer) if I can buy books of the same value. 

  2. Visiting a bookstore or the library is my number one stress relief.  I like to wander through the rows of books and pick up books that catch my eye.  It's seriously like therapy.  (I often take breaks at my office job in a library just to wander the stacks.

  3. I almost always read the last few pages of a book so I know how it ends. This makes audio books very frustrating to me. (And I've found that I don't do it as often with eBooks)

  4. My absolute favorite exercise activity is riding the recumbent stationary bike at the gym solely because I can read while I do it.  If they didn't have time limits, I probably could sit there and bike for a LONG TIME with a good book.

  5. I ALWAYS have a book with me.  This way, I can read during any possible downtime I have.  I read while walking between destinations, while waiting for people to arrive at meetings, while eating lunch...I even keep audiobooks in my car for my half-hour each way commute.

Book Blogger Hop
 The "Book Blogger Hop" is a weekly book party hosted by Crazy-for-Books.  Hop on over and check out their blog to participate! This week's question comes from Mina who blogs at Mina Burrows:

 "If you could physically put yourself into a book or series…which one would it be and why?"

Ooo...that's a tough question! The first one that pops to mind is the Aurora Teagarden mysteries by Charlaine Harris.  They're cute, quirky mysteries...and the main character is a librarian! I haven't even read all of the books in the series...maybe only the first four or so.  
What are your silly book quirks? Leave me links to check out your Hop and/or Follow Friday answers! I love checking out new blogs (and I always try to follow back!
Happy Friday!


  1. Isn't so easy to purchase a new book on the Nook. It's terrible I find myself buying books all the time and reading too! Have a great weekend!

  2. Apologies in advance for my answer this week as it will not immediately resonate with the book blogger population which happens to be 99.5% female.

    My choice is a book series geared towards guys which won’t enthrall the vast majority of my fellow book bloggers (who are almost entirely female) with the extensive discussion of powerful weapons and sexy milspec gear, beautiful women, eye-popping action sequences (with occasionally obscene violence), and the like.

    But there IS something in my answer that just about everyone of the female persuasion can benefit from my decidedly “books for guys” post. Hop on over to http://www.howardsherman.net to find out what it is.

    Happy Hop Friday!

    Howard Sherman

  3. Hehe, I used to read the last pages too! Excpet I've stopped after Harry Potter 5 :p Anyways, I really like your five random facts! I'm your newest follower :) Happy Friday!


  4. I completely agree with your number 3. I've yet to do this with an ereader book but that's a negative for the ereader not a positive in my opinion.

    old follower.

  5. Hopping through. A library, bookstore, or just a favorite book are definitely my best stress relievers.
    My Hop

  6. Haha Thank you! :-) I'll do what I can. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to open more than one!

  7. Hehe, I used to read the last pages too! Excpet I've stopped after Harry Potter 5 :p Anyways, I really like your five random facts! I'm your newest follower :) Happy Friday!



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