22 March 2011

"Waiting on..." Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.  The focus is on upcoming releases that we are patiently eagerly awaiting.

Has anyone else noticed that the more book blogs you follow, the more books you add to your "TBR" list?  Maybe it's just me, but ever since I really started working on this blog to fill my time (hahahaha--that makes it sound like I have EXTRA time), I have encountered book after book that I've said "Ooo! Hey! I want to read that too!"  My once daunting but possibly manageable TBR list has grown in to the realm of "I know I'll never read them all."  Anyone else?

But I digress.  This week I've chosen two books with fabulous covers that I'm "waiting on..." Take a look!

Passion (Fallen #3) by Lauren Kate
Pub Date: 14 June 2011

Before Luce and Daniel met at Sword & Cross and fought immortals at Shoreline, they lived many lives. . . 

I adore the dresses on these covers. (Who doesn't?)  Since the "descriptions" fall a tad short, let me share a little from the author herself, Lauren Kate:

"This chase backwards through time, with each chapter set in a different country and a different century across five thousand years is undoubtedly the most romantic, most intense, most…passionate book I’ve ever written"

Die for Me by Amy Plum
Pub Date:  10 May 2011

DIE FOR ME is the first of three books about Kate, a sixteen-year-old American who moves to Paris after the death of her parents. It introduces a new version of the undead with revenants, beings who are fated to sacrifice themselves over and over again to save others’ lives. Kate finds herself falling for Vincent, who she discovers is not the typical French teenager he appears: he is something else entirely.

DIE FOR ME presents a new supernatural mythology presented in a city where dreams are sometimes the same as reality.

So...maybe I just like covers with gorgeous dresses?

I am clearly entranced by the covers of these and many other upcoming books.   What about you? What are you waiting on this week?  Leave me a link. I'd love to check it out!


  1. Great picks. I'm really looking forward to reading Die For Me. I haven't read the Fallen series yet but I hope to get to it eventually.

  2. Great picks! I can't wait to see what happens next in the Fallen series!

    That's What Liz Read

  3. Nice picks! I'm really looking forward to reading both books! Happy Reading!
    Here's my WoW!

  4. Nice picks! I'm really looking forward to reading both books! Happy Reading!
    Here's my WoW!


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