18 April 2011

Hunger Games Casting: Take 3

Today we have...
Rue and Thresh!

Photo from CinemaBlend
Thresh is to be played by Dayo Oekniyi, who appears to be a relatively unknown actor.  Thresh is an important but pretty minor character in my eyes, so I guess there isn't really much there for me to be truly upset or excited about. 

Rue is to be played by Amandla Stenberg, a 12 year old with quite the acting resume! I think she's cute, but again, I don't know much about her acting skills.  It will all come down to her chemistry with Jennifer Lawrence as to how she is judged for this one.

I have to admit that I'm getting antsy for them to cast some of my favorite characters!  Cinna? Effie? Haymitch?  Gah! I can't wait!

Who's the most important character to you that hasn't been cast?  Who would you like to see get the part?


  1. I know, right?! I had to look on her website and have it tell me she was born in 1998 to believe it!

  2. She is really cute! Its going to be hard to watch her get put into the deathly games :( I can't wait for the casting of Cinna! Thanks for sharing

  3. That was one of the first thoughts I had! "Oh no! She's too young, I can't watch her die!"

    There will be tears for sure...

    I <3 Cinna! I really hope they cast him well!

  4. I know! I really wanna see who they cast for Cinna!

  5. Oh, she's so young! Perfect, sweet, but too young!
    And it's Cinna I'm waiting for: hope they cast him right!

  6. She looks much younger than 12!

  7. She is really cute! Its going to be hard to watch her get put into the deathly games :( I can't wait for the casting of Cinna! Thanks for sharing


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