19 April 2011

Hunger Games Casting: Take 4

I know it must seem like I follow this news obsessively!  I swear I don't (well, maybe just a little). I'm just getting impatient for them to cast some of my favorite characters. I don't have any *official* news this time, but I wanted to get your thoughts on the latest rumor...

Image from InsideMovies.EW.com; copyright Jason Merritt/Getty Images
Can you guess who Elizabeth Banks of possibly in talks to play?  One guess?  Think about it. Think really hard...I bet you can guess...

Effie Trinket! (You guessed it, right?)

On a slightly more official note...District 1 Tributes, Marvel and Glimmer!

Marvel will be played by Jack Quaid and Glimmer will be played by Leven Rambin.  I'm going to forgo pictures on this one and tell you to check out the Facebook page!  (largely because I can't find good images and there aren't yet a bunch of web articles--although I'm sure there will be soon enough!)

But who will play Cinna?! I need to know! LOL. :-)

Thoughts on the most recent casting decisions?!  Leave a comment!

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