11 April 2011

National Library Week 2011!

It's National Library Week!!
April 10-16

So, National Library Week actually started yesterday, but I didn't get around to posting anything (*fail*).  However, the main "event" for today is the release of the 2011 State of America's Libraries Report.  WHile I think that's interesting...I'm gonna guess it doesn't have wide appeal. :-)  Maybe not?  Ah well, if you're interested, the link is there.  However, I thought I'd share something I personally enjoy instead...

2010 Top Ten Banned/Challenged Books!

  1. And Tango Makes Three –– Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson.
  2. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian –– Sherman Alexie.
  3. Brave New World –– Aldous Huxley.
  4. Crank –– Ellen Hopkins.
  5. The Hunger Games –– Suzanne Collins.
  6. Lush –– Natasha Friend.
  7. What My Mother Doesn’t Know –– Sonya Sones.
  8. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America –– Barbara Ehrenreich.
  9. Revolutionary Voices –– edited by Amy Sonnie.
  10. Twilight –– Stephenie Meyer

What are some of your favorite "banned books"?

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, The Hunger Games, definitely! I hear Vampire Academy gets knocked off some shelves too...

    *eyes sidebar* Into that sort of thing, eh? Nice. :P


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