13 April 2011

"Waiting on" Wednesday (6)

"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Eve by Anna Carey
Publish Date: 4 October 2011
Publisher: HarperTeen

Goodreads description:
The year is 2032, sixteen years after a deadly virus—and the vaccine intended to protect against it—wiped out most of the earth’s population. The night before eighteen-year-old Eve’s graduation from her all-girls school she discovers what really happens to new graduates, and the horrifying fate that awaits her. 

Fleeing the only home she’s ever known, Eve sets off on a long, treacherous journey, searching for a place she can survive. Along the way she encounters Caleb, a rough, rebellious boy living in the wild. Separated from men her whole life, Eve has been taught to fear them, but Caleb slowly wins her trust...and her heart. He promises to protect her, but when soldiers begin hunting them, Eve must choose between true love and her life.
Hmmm...Hunger Games meets Romeo & Juliet?  This will either be really good...or really bad.  I'm hoping for the former!

What are you waiting on this week? 


  1. Thanks for stopping by. Your WoW sounds very interesting! I'm starting to like dystopian fiction more than I once had, so this one is going right on my Goodreads TBR list. Happy reading!

  2. I want to read this one too! I love books with deadly viruses. I agree, it sounds like it could be great. I hope so too!

    Jennifer of Little Shelf

  3. This looks so amazing! Hope you get it soon!
    And thanks for stopping by my blog, I have to get Where She Went! I'm sure I'll love Birthmark, it looks so good!
    Happy Thursday! :)

  4. That is a beautiful cover, and I'd love to read as well. Hope that you get it soon!
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  5. I want to read this one too! I love books with deadly viruses. I agree, it sounds like it could be great. I hope so too!

    Jennifer of Little Shelf


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