06 May 2011

Hunger Games Casting: Take 8

So...I'm really behind on posting about my favorite movie gossip--Hunger Games! I won't go into all the Tribute casting at this point, but I'll plug the awesome Hunger Games FB page where they do all the updates.  They still haven't cast Cato and Clove...the only remaining named tributes!  When that happens, I'll definitely post about it.  For now, check out FB for all your Tribute information!

In other news, since I last posted...
  • Elizabeth Banks announced that she *officially* has the role of Effie Trinket
  • Those rumors are John C. Reilly have been revoked (thankfully!)
    • Team Hugh Laurie ALL THE WAY! *sigh*
  • All kinds of rumors are circulating regarding Woody Harrelson, Lenny Kravitz, and Stanley Tucci
  • And this casting happened...
 Wes Bentley as Seneca Crane, Head Gamemaker!

I'm at work, so that's all I have time to post quickly right now!  Leave me a comment


  1. The Hunger Games is my most favorite series ever! I'm trying not to get to revved up about the casting because there's just to many rumors out there!
    I find myself sneak-peeking anyways!
    Thanks for the update!

    Congrats on your 100 followers!!! I'm sure you'll be way over that in no time!

  2. The Hunger Games is my most favorite series ever! I'm trying not to get to revved up about the casting because there's just to many rumors out there!
    I find myself sneak-peeking anyways!
    Thanks for the update!

    Congrats on your 100 followers!!! I'm sure you'll be way over that in no time!


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