06 May 2011

We Interrupt This Regularly Scheduled Post for a...

I *heart* the blogging community SO much and I've wanted to do a small giveaway for awhile now...so here is my opportunity I suppose!  While I was sleeping last night, I hit the 100 follower mark! Wahoo!  You all are so awesome and I want to give someone a brand new book all their own!

So, here's the deal.  I'm going to give away a book of your choosing from the Book Depository for up to $10.60  (I was going to do $10...but Divergent is $10.60 and that book will rock your world).  Sorry I can't do more right now, but I know a shiny new book always puts a smile on my face! Maybe if I get a lot of entries, I'll pick two...

Must be a follower (I am, after all, celebrating my awesome followers!)
Open Internationally (to anywhere the Book Depository ships)
Must be at least 13  years of age to enter
One entry per person, please!
Deadline: Friday, May 13

You don't have to leave a comment, but I'd love if you did!

EDIT: Actually, since I'm *dumb* and forgot to put it on the form, PLEASE leave your email address in the comments.  Please forgive me! This is my first giveaway! I will find a way to contact the winner no matter what and my contact grace period will be longer than 48 hours. 


  1. YAY! Congrats on 100 followers!

  2. Awesome giveaway! If I win, it's SO Divergent. I've heard so much about it and I simply MUST have it! :P

  3. Congrats on reaching 100 followers and thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Congrats on 100 followers! :-)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Congrats on 100 followers! :-)


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!