11 May 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (10)

"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we can share upcoming book releases that we are eagerly awaiting! (And this AWESOME button is from Lindsay at The Violet Hour!)
This week I'm waiting on...

Awaken by Katie Kacvinsky
© 23 May 2011

Goodreads description:

Maddie lives in a world where everything is done on the computer. Whether it’s to go to school or on a date, people don’t venture out of their home. There’s really no need. For the most part, Maddie’s okay with the solitary, digital life—until she meets Justin. Justin likes being with people. He enjoys the physical closeness of face-to-face interactions. People aren’t meant to be alone, he tells her.

Suddenly, Maddie feels something awakening inside her—a feeling that maybe there is a different, better way to live. But with society and her parents telling her otherwise, Maddie is going to have to learn to stand up for herself if she wants to change the path her life is taking.

What are you waiting on this Wednesday?


  1. I've been anxiously awaiting this book as well! It looks so good! Nice WOW choice :)

  2. This looks so good! Nice pick!


  3. I just don't like this cover at all! But the story sounds awesome!

    My Wow Post!

  4. Jessi~

    I have been seeing some reviews for this book pop up here and there, and I have to say this is the first time I have read the summary and it sounds really really interesting! Almost reminds me of that movie that came out about a year ago... Surrogates it was called, with Bruce Willis-- a very scary concept that maybe one day humans could live exclusively/vicariously through technology-- but believable too!

    Yeah, I have to agree with Ash-- not a huge fan of the cover. I think the image makes sense based on the synopsis, but the colors are super bland :/

    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  5. While I am interested in this one I have seen some less than flattering reviews, still I think it sound interesting and will need to read it myself. Great pick!

  6. Hi Jessi! I'm new to the blog and a new follower! I've heard some really good things about this book. Have you seen The Story Siren's review?

    Also, we have a lot in common, btw. I'm almost 24 with a cat and a husband. :D Plus- all of the books you listed in your poll, I've either read and loved or they're on my TBR. :)

    I'm just finishing Divergent, and I CANNOT wait enough amazing things about it. Seriously, I'm bordering on obsession.

    Looking forward to reading more of your posts!!

  7. While I am interested in this one I have seen some less than flattering reviews, still I think it sound interesting and will need to read it myself. Great pick!

  8. Hi Jessi! I'm new to the blog and a new follower! I've heard some really good things about this book. Have you seen The Story Siren's review?

    Also, we have a lot in common, btw. I'm almost 24 with a cat and a husband. :D Plus- all of the books you listed in your poll, I've either read and loved or they're on my TBR. :)

    I'm just finishing Divergent, and I CANNOT wait enough amazing things about it. Seriously, I'm bordering on obsession.

    Looking forward to reading more of your posts!!


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!