12 May 2011

YA Book Review: Clarity by Kim Harrington

Clarity by Kim Harrington
© 2011 by Point (Scholastic, Inc.)

Goodreads description:
When you can see things others can't, where do you look for the truth? 
Clarity "Clare" Fern sees things. Things no one else can see. Things like stolen kisses and long-buried secrets. All she has to do is touch a certain object, and the visions come to her. It's a gift. 
And a curse. 
When a teenage girl is found murdered, Clare's ex-boyfriend wants her to help solve the case--but Clare is still furious at the cheating jerk. Then Clare's brother--who has supernatural gifts of his own--becomes the prime suspect, and Clare can no longer look away. Teaming up with Gabriel, the smoldering son of the new detective, Clare must venture into the depths of fear, revenge, and lust in order to track the killer. But will her sight fail her just when she needs it most?
Thoughts, Musings, Ramblings...

I liked this book from start to finish.  I mean, really, how can you not like a supernatural murder mystery?! (Maybe that's just me...)  Chapter One pulls you in immediately (super intense first two pages, let me tell you!) and you honestly can't put this one down until you've gotten to the end.

My honest-to-goodness favorite thing about this book was that I did not solve the mystery before the main character.  I'm sure that many readers will figure it out, but I'll readily admit that I was so into the story that I didn't see it coming! I was *completely* convinced the murdered was someone else and had a "NO WAY!" moment when it was revealed.  That's always a good feeling when you're reading a book--like you're learning right alongside the main character.

Now, Clarity, or Clare as she prefers, didn't necessarily pull me in as a character right away.  I'm not sure why but I didn't connect with her at the beginning.  As the story progressed, I did feel like I warmed up to her quite a bit.  I also really thought that the minor characters in this one were well done.  I felt like I knew each of them fairly well...with a lot of room for growth in #2!!   Also, on the character side of things, I actually tliked the love triangle in this one because it wasn't the FOCUS.  It was there, it was minor, and it was a cute romance.

I can't wait to read the sequel when it comes out next March (gah, 2012?!).  The story was really well written and I want more (especially of the romance--this was SO just the tip of the iceberg on that!).  I can't wait to find out what happens between Clarity, Justin, and Gabriel and what adventure is in store next.


  1. I've heard mixed things on this one... I just can quite decide whether to go ahead and grab it or not!!! Gah! It wouldn't be do bad but it seems like a great review comes from someone I usually agree with (ahem... You!) then a bad one comes from someone I usually agree with too!! Decisions...

  2. Lol, that's the joy of reading--so subjective! I wasn't at all sure that I was going to like it, but I (obviously) did. And actually, it was a really quick read.

  3. I'm intrigued by this one, but haven't picked it up yet. Thanks for the review.

  4. Nice review! I didn't figure the mystery out beforehand either. :)

  5. I would love to read this book! It's on my TBR list! Great review.

  6. Nice review! I didn't figure the mystery out beforehand either. :)


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