23 June 2011

Booking Through Thursday (3)

"Booking Through Thursday" is a weekly meme hosted HERE. Be sure to check it out and join in the fun!

This week's question...

What, if any, kind of music do you listen to when you’re reading?
(Given a choice, of course!)
For the most part, I really prefer quiet when I'm reading.  I'm too easily distracted to listen to anything else while I'm reading.  However, I get carsick if I read in the car, and the only (odd) way that I've found to combat that sickness (for those times when I just HAVE to read, lol) is to listen to music through my iPod (a little loudly).  Having the music isolates me, if that makes sense, and allows me to ignore the fact that I'm in a moving vehicle, lol. So, when I'm in the car, there are a couple of different artists/albums that I regularly listen to.
  • Gåte, Iseliljia and Jyrgi
  • Elis, God's Silence, Devil's Temptation
  • Nightwish (basically anything by Nightwish)

What is YOUR reading music of choice?


  1. I can't listen to anything while I read. When I'm studying I will occasionally have music on, but it has to be something I won't want to sing along to so I don't get distracted by the lyrics.

    Me + car + book = bad things. Sadly. :(

  2. I usually read in silence. oh, and I cannot read in anything that moves - either I can't concentrate, or I start getting dizzy and feeling sick - I guess I'm just the opposite from you. Here is my BTT.

  3. I am exactly the same why when I read in the car, I have never tried listening to music though in the car while trying to read ... I usually find music with lyrics distracting although there is enough instrumental music out there I could put a quick list together. Maybe I'll try that next time! :) ... I posted my answer on my blog and "Reading through Thursday" if you care to take a peek :)

  4. I prefer quiet when reading.


  5. Great answer! I'm the opposite though, I always have to listen to music when I read. :)

  6. I can't listen to anything while I read. When I'm studying I will occasionally have music on, but it has to be something I won't want to sing along to so I don't get distracted by the lyrics.

    Me + car + book = bad things. Sadly. :(


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