23 June 2011

YA Book Review: Forbidden by Tabith Suzuma

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma
© 28 June 2011 by HarperTeen

Goodreads description:

Seventeen-year-old Lochan and sixteen-year-old Maya have always felt more like friends than siblings. Together they have stepped in for their alcoholic, wayward mother to take care of their three younger siblings. As de facto parents to the little ones, Lochan and Maya have had to grow up fast. And the stress of their lives—and the way they understand each other so completely—has also also brought them closer than two siblings would ordinarily be.

My Thoughts...

*I've purposefully edited part of the description here. This book is probably honestly best if you try to avoid reading too many reviews or descriptions and just let it unfold as you read (and fall in love with the characters).  So, if you're interested, here's my suggestion: stop reading this and go find a copy of this book...and then come back and comment and tell me how much to also LOVED this book (or not). It's almost impossible not to give things away in reviewing this so read on at your own risk! I've tried my best censor myself...but it's not always 100% successful! If you want the full description, click on the Goodreads link above.

This is one of those books that is difficult to describe and review.  The description lets you know from the beginning that this book isn't going to make you comfortable--it's not a "butterflies and bubblegum" kind of story with a fluffy happy ending.  When I picked this one up from Galley Grab, I wasn't sure what to expect from the story.  I mean, my preconceptions of the subject matter of this story had me thinking "Eww! Really? No way can that be anything but disturbing." However, I was WRONG. Suzuma's writing is beautiful.  There were moments when I was disturbed by the situations in the book--but never, NEVER by the love that Lochan and Maya experienced.

Forbidden opens your eyes in a painful way.  It touches your heart.  It makes you think. It makes you cry. There is so much I would like to say here, but I'm going to have to reign myself in so I don't spoil anything for you.  I will say this--go in with an open mind.  I think that Lochan and Maya will surprise you.  I found myself wanting to cheer for their love despite the obstacles (and illegality).  I screamed and cried when they were discovered (and thankfully I was home alone at that point) because it was the most painfully real sex scene and it was incredibly heartbreaking.

Like any book, this one had its minor flaws.  Sometimes I wished Suzuma would show me more than tell me what was going on.  This is a consequence of spending most of the time in the characters' heads with very little active dialogue. However, this didn't stop me from loving this book.  I felt like I knew these two characters inside and out by the time the book was over--their inner thoughts, struggles, desires.

This book obviously isn't for everyone.  If you honestly can't even stomach the idea of the topic of this book, don't read it.  If you're willing to be open-minded and immerse yourself in their world, then you must read this.

*Source: Simon & Schuster Galley Grab*


  1. I completely and utterly agree! I LOVED this book! It was fabulous!
    The Bookish Brunette

  2. This book sounds so interesting, but I just can't decided whether I really want to read it or not.


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