05 June 2011

In My Mailbox (6)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren where bloggers can share the books that they bought, borrowed, or received for review. Check out her blog for more information and to link up your IMM post!

I'm doing a couple weeks worth of books this time but nothing can really top my last IMM post.  *sigh*  That was such a great week.  Anyway, on to the books!

On vacation, I can't stop myself from going into book stores and I almost never leave a bookstore without a book!  So....while I was in England, I convinced my husband to let me stop at Waterstones while we were in York.  I got three books there and THEN I bought another one in the airport in Manchester on our way home.  Here they are!

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare (the airport book)
Angel Kiss by Laura Jane Cassidy
Forgotten by Cat Patrick

Also, before I left for vacation I ordered a few books to "supplement" the books I won (that were in my last IMM post).  In other words, I got a couple of books that are the latest in a series and I hadn't read the previous books! So, instead of going to the library and borrowing them...I bought them.  Bad habit.  I also recently stopped in at a Barnes and Noble and couldn't stop myself from picking up a couple of books.  

Evernight, Stargazer, and Hourglass by Claudia Gray
The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting
Firelight by Sophie Jordan
Possession by Elana Johnson
Enclave by Ann Aguirre

Let's see, I also got a couple of books from NetGalley for review!

 Well, I think that's it for this week!  I hope you all have a fabulous book week as well!

Happy Reading!


  1. What a great haul! I have the same problem with going into bookstores. It's a given when I go out anywhere that if there's a bookstore nearby we make a stop without me even having to ask. Good for me, bad for the wallet!

  2. Great set! I'm especially interested in Possession and Legacy.
    My IMM

  3. Amazing books this week! I want all of them and they are pretty much ALL on my wishlist haha. Great, great IMM! :)

    My IMM is here:

  4. What a great haul! I have the same problem with going into bookstores. It's a given when I go out anywhere that if there's a bookstore nearby we make a stop without me even having to ask. Good for me, bad for the wallet!


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