04 July 2011

Cover Crazy (3)

"Cover Crazy" is a meme hosted by The Book Worms to gush over talk about cover designs that we love!

This week, I wanted to feature some of the awesome cover releases that I've seen in the past week or so! It seems like the cover designers have really been on the ball lately because some really cool things have come out!

 Across the Universe by Beth Revis

Beth got to show off the new paperback hardcover of AtU this past week (left). Isn't it awesome? (HC cover on the right) Actually, I ordered the HC version just two days before they announced the paperback cover and I kind of wish I had waited!!

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

I am absolutely in LOVE with the special edition cover of Delirium that is coming out this fall (left).  I own the HC version (right), which is also pretty cool, but the new version is just stunning.  I mean--BEAUTIFUL! Below the HC cover is the full spread of the special edition from Lauren's blog. Isn't it awesome?

Also recently released....and pretty awesome:

 Everneath by Brodi Ashton
January 2012 from Balzer + Bray (HarperCollins)

Last spring, Nikki Beckett vanished, sucked into an underworld known as the Everneath, where immortals Feed on the emotions of despairing humans. Now she's returned- to her old life, her family, her friends- before being banished back to the underworld... this time forever. She has six months before the Everneath comes to claim her, six months for good-byes she can't find the words for, six months to find redemption, if it exists. 

As Nikki's time grows short and her relationships begin slipping from her grasp, she's forced to make the hardest decision of her life: find a way to cheat fate and remain on the Surface with Jack or return to the Everneath and become Cole's... 

How AWESOME is this cover?! Seriously.

Dark Passage by M.J. Putney
September 2011 by St. Martin's Griffin


The Irregulars return home to 1803 England safely, but their worldview has changed.  Not only have their heroic efforts at Dunkirk given them pride and confidence but their dangerous mission has increased their magical powers.

Then the Irregulars are drawn into a dangerous attempt to rescue a vitally important French scientist from Nazi-occupied France. Tory and Allarde must work together because countless lives are at stake. Disaster strikes and not only is their mission threatened, but their very lives. Can magic and their loyalty to each other help them survive to return home?

I haven't read The Dark Mirror (yet), which this is the sequel too, but I find this cover and description way more compelling for some reason so I suppose that will force me to pick up the first book so that I can read this one!

Which ones are you favorites? Let me know!


  1. These all are lovely books.I have to read them this year.

  2. I prefer the HC of Across The Universe. I am partial to purple colours at the moment, so this might be why. I think it’s because I like the stars. The model for the new Delirium cover is very pretty, but I’m not a fan of full face covers, so I’d have to say that I like the original HC :). The other covers are very nice too. Thanks for sharing! (my CC)

    Alisa @ the Novel Nook

  3. I was intrigued by all of these covers this week as well. I sent a tweet to Beth Revis to see if the sequel would match the pb or hc and she said both. I sort of wish I had waited to buy DELIRIUM. Great new cover!

    EVERNEATH...I love the dress and the way she's rising out of the smoke! Stunning!

    And I really like the DARK PASSAGE cover the best so far compared to the first book!

  4. The new Delirium cover is much nicer than the older one. I love the new Across the Universe Cover. My overall favorite has to be Everneath.

  5. You have some great covers this week! I think I actually like the original Across the Universe cover best, but I am loving the new Delirium cover. I LOVE everything about the Everneath cover.

    Reading Lark's Cover Crazy

  6. I prefer the HC of Across The Universe. I am partial to purple colours at the moment, so this might be why. I think it’s because I like the stars. The model for the new Delirium cover is very pretty, but I’m not a fan of full face covers, so I’d have to say that I like the original HC :). The other covers are very nice too. Thanks for sharing! (my CC)

    Alisa @ the Novel Nook


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