04 July 2011

YA Book Review: Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder

Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder
© 2010 by Harlequin Teen

Goodreads description:
I'm Trella. I'm a scrub. A nobody. One of thousands who work the lower levels, keeping Inside clean for the Uppers. I've got one friend, do my job and try to avoid the Pop Cops. So what if I occasionally use the pipes to sneak around the Upper levels? The only neck at risk is my own…until I accidentally start a rebellion and become the go-to girl to lead a revolution.

Buy It: Amazon | B&N | Book Depository

My Thoughts...

For me, Inside Out was a book that really had a little bit of everything: a likeable heroine, attractive boys, rebellion, romance, tragedy...everything!  I know that I am a major sucker for dystopian novels but this one was seriously awesome. I can't believe I didn't read it before!

Trella is a scrub, destined to spend her life in the lower levels as one among many doing the 'dirty work.' From the beginning, she presents herself as someone who doesn't want you to like her.  She keeps her head low and doesn't make friends. She has an attitude that doesn't allow her to get close to anyone--the only exception being Cog, a boy she grew up with who everyone likes.  However, I found it hard not to like her, despite her attitude--or make "like isn't the right word: RESPECT.  She's definitely a tough chick with her head and her heart in the right place when it counts.  She may be standoffish in the beginning, but she definitely grows throughout the book and it's fantastic to watch her personality develop and her attitude shift (slowly but surely).

We've got a couple of awesome male characters alongside Trella throughout as well.  First, there's Cogon (or Cog, as everyone calls him).  Cog is Trella's only friend. They were birth mates and he's always been there for her, even as she tries to push everyone away.  I loved Cog (like everyone else I suppose!).  He was so genuine that I think you couldn't help but love him! And then there's Riley, the Upper who Trella meets by accident when she's (illegally) exploring the upper levels.  The two of them are quite the pair! I loved it as they try to get to know one another and uncover the myths that each side has been fed about the other. Trella is so untrusting of people and Riley has to work so hard to earn her trust.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book! It was a great addition to all the dystopias that I've read lately and I thought that the society was developed superbly.  It really captivated me--enough that I really want to go buy my own copy!

Some other reviews of this book you might check out (if you still need convincing to read this!):


  1. Ohh sweet! I've been reading lots of great reviews about this. I hope I get this on time :)

  2. Hmmm... Seems like a good read :)

  3. Glad you enjoyed! I can't you haven't read sequel yet with Inside Out ending with such a cliff hanger.

  4. Hmmm... Seems like a good read :)

  5. Ohh sweet! I've been reading lots of great reviews about this. I hope I get this on time :)


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