25 August 2011

Hop & Follow Friday! (23)

Happy Friday, lovelies!

I hope you had a wonderful week and are looking forward to an awesome, book-filled weekend!

"Follow My Book Blog Friday" is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View and Allison at Allison Can Read where bloggers make new friends, including this week's featured bloggers--Caught in the Pages & Jenni Elyse!  Pop on over to Parajunkee's blog and join in the follow fun!!

This week's question: 

Q. In books like the Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood) series the paranormal creature in question "comes out of the closet" and makes itself known to the world. Which mythical creature do you wish would come out of the closet, for real?
Faeries!! And I'm not talking about tiny little Tinkerbells that fly around and poke you.  I mean faeries like in The Iron Fey or Wicked Lovely or Wondrous Strange or Wings.  I think it would be fun.  Now, like any well-respecting mythical creature, they have their "bad" side but that's just part of the world we live in, right? Good people and bad people....good faeries and bad faeries. :-D

TGIF is a weekly meme hosted by Ginger at GReadswhere she poses a thought-provoking question to prompt some blogger discussion!

Book Associations: 
Which genre, authors, or particular books do you think people associate with your reading style?
My coworkers at the public library definitely associate me with YA books in a general sense.  More specifically, I'm often associated with the paranormal-type books simply because that's what I'm always reading.  I think that it's getting to the point where people also associate me and my reading style with dystopias. It really varies, but really, YA in general is associated with my reading style. :-) (Guess I just should have said that in the first place, huh?)

Book Blogger Hop
The Book Blogger Hop is a fun (generally) bookish Friday meme hosted by Jennifer over at Crazy for Books! Be sure to jump over to her post, read the rules, and link up your post!

This week's question:
Non-book related this week! Do you have any pets?

These are my kitties! The blue and cream is Fuggles (she's named after an ingredient in beer...and yes, my husband named her). The white and gray is Quentin (name after the main character in John Green's Paper Towns).

Thanks so much for visiting my blog today! I love your comments and try my best to return follows! 

(PS ~ See that link at the top of the page? The one for my potential 2012 challenge? Would you be so kind as to take a look and leave some feedback? I'd love to get an idea of if this is something that people would be interested in. Thanks!!)


  1. Hopping through. I love the fey in the Wings series. I like that they're plants. And they're nicer than a lot of other fairies.

  2. I agree! I would love to find out that all the myths and legends are true! I haven't read the Wings series yet. That's one that I need to read asap.  Thanks for stopping by my blog. 
    I'm happy to be a new follower and I look forward to enjoying your reviews!Donna @ The Happy Booker

  3. Danielle Gorman25 August, 2011 23:30

    Yeah, faeries hands down are the best choice. I think it would be awesome if they were real. 

    Thanks for stopping by. 

    Old follower 
    Danielle @Ramblings From This Chick 

  4. I'm definitely a fairie kinda girl also. I think they are cute!

    Tia @ Falling For Books

  5. Alaskanbookcafe26 August, 2011 05:03

    Hopping through. Great answer. I picked the same. As far as genre...I don't think I have a genre associated with me. I read all kinds of stuff. Most people don't know what to expect when they ask me what I am reading. LOL.
    My follow is at www.alaskanbookcafe.com Hope you stop by.

  6. I said faeries too and as you said, the Tinkerbell type is not what I mean either. Thanks for stopping by. Happy Friday!

  7. Christy's Book Basket26 August, 2011 08:54

    Hopping by on the blog hop. I am a cat lover myself but have a dog for now. Have a great weekend!

  8. Aw, look at those kitties!  Thanks for sharing pics!

  9. YOUR KITTIES! Adorable. Makes me want to snuggle mine, but they're off being cats somewhere.

    It would be amazing if some of the things from the Iron Fey series were real - what about Grimalkin? That would be amazing. Although if my cat started speaking I might be a tad freaked out. :)

  10. you made me lol with the tinkerbell thing! =) I would love to have them on my closet too! =)

    Thanks for following and for visiting my blog...


  11. With the personalities of my cats, I'm not so sure I want them to start talking to me! :-)

  12. Hi :)

    Great answer, and great blog :) I love your description at the top, it made me giggle. I often bump into people while walking down the street with my head in a book! 

    I'm a new follower. Please stop by and take a look at my blog, and maybe even follow me too :) http://laurabesbookblog.blogspot.com/

  13. Brave choice! lol I think Faeries would be the last thing I would pick. They're always so cruel and heartless and scary to me! Except Ash of course. But then, he was cruel in the beginning! :-P

    Thanks for stopping by my friday memes and following my blog! I'm following your blog now as well! :]

    ♥ Sarah

  14. Aw! Your kitties are so cute! I love kitties. :)

  15. Fun answers! I think I associate your blog with dystopian YA, mostly because your (and a couple other people's) recommendations got me to read Divergent. And we can fangirl over Possession. :)
    Cute cats. It seems like a lot of people have pets.

  16. Yay POSSESSION! :-) I feel like I really need to read that again sometime. 

  17. Your cats are adorable! What a couple of cuties!

    Here's my hop:  http://momreadsmybooks.blogspot.com


  18. Hi, new follower!  Your kitties are cute!  You can find my Friday memes here: Pawing
    Through Books

  19. Faeries would be interesting in this world we live in. Fuggles...great name. My friend who teaches special ed gets called a "fuggle be-otch" by one of her middle school students, only I censored that last word. She thinks he heard the F-bomb somewhere and mixed up with another word. But don't think about that when you call your cat's name...I really like the name!

    On a different note, yay for librarians! I'm an English teacher who wishes she could be one.
    -Jenna (new follower)
    Here's my Follow Me Friday/Blogger Hop post

  20. Your cats are adorable!

    I agree it would be cool to see fairies around! :D

    New follower

  21. Hehe we totally have similar reading styles! And your kitties are ADORABLE!

  22. prettydeadlyreviews27 August, 2011 18:29

    Awee kitties!  I love your names =)  My cats are (very cleverly) named Kitty and... Kitters.  Bahaha!


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!