25 August 2011

Booking Through Thursday (6)

"Booking Through Thursday" is a weekly meme hosted HERE. Be sure to check it out and join in the fun!

This week's prompt...

Sometimes I feel like the only person I know who finds reading history fascinating. It’s so full of amazing-yet-true stories of people driven to the edge and how they reacted to it. I keep telling friends that a good history book (as opposed to some of those textbooks in school that are all lists and dates) does everything a good novel does–it grips you with real characters doing amazing things.
Am I REALLY the only person who feels this way? When is the last time you read a history book? Historical biography? You know, something that took place in the past but was REAL.
Earlier this year I had all kinds of plans to read tons of history books and nonfiction.  I have a house FULL of history books because (a) my husband and I both studies history as undergrads and (b) my husband is pursuing his PhD in history.  However, school and work tend to keep me busy--like, really busy. So, I have a tendency to stick with YA fiction books because (a) I love them and (b) they are generally quick, engaging reads that are relaxing to pick up.

So, what's my answer you might ask? Well, during my early, ambitious months of the year, I bought and read Franklin and Eleanor: An Extraordinary Marriage and I have to say that it was incredibly well-written and very compelling.  It was a page-turner--trust me! I even cried toward the end, despite knowing what was coming because that was how attached I had become to the "characters." (This was even one of the first reviews that I wrote on my blog back in February)  This book honestly made me want to read more history and biographies....but I haven't made the time to do so since then.

(Also, as a side note, right after I finished college and before I got married and started working full time and went back to school, I read A Piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown and it was incredible--just in case you're looking for a gritty memoir to read.)

What's YOUR answer? 


  1. Never heard of  A Piece of Cake or Cupcake Brown. Love the title and the authors name so will look for it.
    Here's Mine

  2. Both books you mentioned sound very interesting.  WOW...kudos to your husband for going for a PhD in History!  I love history too, but not enough to read non-fiction....guess I haven't found any good ones out there!
    Here is my answer!

  3. Tributebooksmama25 August, 2011 11:22

     I'll have to look into A Piece Of Cake.


  4. I've thought about going back to uni and studying History and English. I don't know if I ever will, but I love history a lot. It's really fascinating. Historicals have always been a favourite genre of mine and I also love biographies as well.

  5. I love reading about the Roosevelts! I've been meaning to read a biography of FDR called "Traitor to his Class". 

  6. I bet you are super surrounded!

    Here is my BTT answer.

  7. I think history non-fic about the founding fathers can be very good reads but otherwise I don't enjoy most. 

    Here's Mine: House Millar - BTTAine

  8. Reflectionsofabookaholic26 August, 2011 01:27

    I don't ever intend to read nonfiction and history books.  It just happens sometimes.  I see one and buy it without thinking.  I don't really know how to explain it without sounding stupid ;)


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!