24 August 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (25)

"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where book bloggers discuss the books that they are most anxiously waiting for! (And this fabulous button was designed by my dear blogger friend Lindsay at The Violet Hour)

This week I'm waiting on...

Pure by Julianna Baggott
© 8 February 2012 by Grand Central Publishing

Pre-Order It! Amazon

Goodreads Description:
We know you are here, our brothers and sisters . . .
Pressia barely remembers the Detonations or much about life during the Before. In her sleeping cabinet behind the rubble of an old barbershop where she lives with her grandfather, she thinks about what is lost-how the world went from amusement parks, movie theaters, birthday parties, fathers and mothers . . . to ash and dust, scars, permanent burns, and fused, damaged bodies. And now, at an age when everyone is required to turn themselves over to the militia to either be trained as a soldier or, if they are too damaged and weak, to be used as live targets, Pressia can no longer pretend to be small. Pressia is on the run.

Burn a Pure and Breathe the Ash . . .
There are those who escaped the apocalypse unmarked. Pures. They are tucked safely inside the Dome that protects their healthy, superior bodies. Yet Partridge, whose father is one of the most influential men in the Dome, feels isolated and lonely. Different. He thinks about loss-maybe just because his family is broken; his father is emotionally distant; his brother killed himself; and his mother never made it inside their shelter. Or maybe it's his claustrophobia: his feeling that this Dome has become a swaddling of intensely rigid order. So when a slipped phrase suggests his mother might still be alive, Partridge risks his life to leave the Dome to find her.

When Pressia meets Partridge, their worlds shatter all over again
This simply sounds fabulous! :-)

Also, I figured I would combine this post with W.W.W. Wednesdays...so here is some more info about my reading for this week! To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…Grab the logo...and post your link at Should Be Reading!

What are you currently reading?

(Currently listening to...)

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next? 

September YA Book Club Selections

What are YOU waiting on this week?


  1. This definitely seems great. I love dystopians! 

    My First WoW

  2. Oh my gosh, I can't wait until this one comes out! I'm a total dystopian lover (who isn't?) and this one sounds so good!

    Thanks so much for stopping by! This is definitely a WOW-worthy choice! :)

  3. Sarah Teitelman24 August, 2011 13:59

    Wow this book sounds great!! I can't wait to read it!!

    check out my waiting on Wednesday!

  4.  Great choice! Im really excited for this one too!! =DDD cant wait for it!

    check my WoW at http://gypsybookreviews.blogspot.com/2011/08/waiting-on-wednesday-2.html   

  5. Natalia Belikov24 August, 2011 15:37

     OMG!! that is not my WOW!!! It is the adress I check before yours! here is my WOW! sry for that!!!!! my bad!

    http://dazzlingreads.blogspot.com  ---> This is my blog!! XDD

  6. That really does sound good!! I shall add it to my wish list now :D

  7. "Pure" sounds veeeery interesting. I'll keep a lookout for that!  Thanks for dropping by my blog. :)

  8. I'm a dystopian hype right now (like most of the reading community) so Pure is definitely on my list too. It sounds like it'll be an intense read. Can't wait for its release.
    Here's my own WoW. New follower!

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  9. This sounds interesting and I'll probably read it, but I find it a little disturbing that so many people are writing about the same thing. I guess everyone wants to be the next Suzanne Collins, she she beat them and got there first--can't blame folks for trying, I guess...

  10. I've heard mixed reviews on it, but I'm just so in love with the concept of living in a dome (although it very much reminds me of King's Under the Dome) that I'm going to give it a go anyhow.

  11. quirky girls read24 August, 2011 22:25

    Oh this sounds like a very promising dystopian novel.

  12. Thanks for stopping by yesterday!

    I hadn't heard about this yet.  It sounds great.  On the TBR list it goes!


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