09 August 2011

Tune in Tuesdsay: 90's Edition (6)

 A weekly feature hosted by GReads! that showcases music! Each week she posts a new or old song in hopes to gain more interest. Join in the fun and spread the love of music! If you want to participate, follow the link above and link up at her blog...then check out what everyone is sharing this week!

This Tuesday's Tune: Embarrassing 90's Favorite

It took me a long time to really think about what I was listening to in the 1990s, lol! Enjoy a flashback!
(I think I did a Junior High jump rope routine to this song in 7th grade...)


  1. *jumps up and down*
    I know this song!!! YAY!!
    LOL I actually love it but I had never known it's name!
    Love you pick

  2. Isn't it so much fun?! You almost can't help but dance around. :-D

  3. hahaha.. jump rope routines are awesome.

  4. Elizabeth Kurlykova09 August, 2011 12:13

    Ahaha! I totally forgot about that one! Love it!

  5. K @ BaffledBooks09 August, 2011 13:21

    'Might as well be walking on the sun' :) This was one those songs that listened to over and over until I pretty much wore it out. Awesome choice!

  6. I'd completely forgotten about this song. I always think of 'Can't get enough of you, baby' & 'All Star' when I think of Smash Mouth. Great pick!

  7. All Star was totally my second choice for this post, lol. :-)

  8. Loved SmashMouth.  This song always puts me in a good mood.  Great pick!

  9. This isn't embarrassing it is a great song!

  10. Juju at Tales of Whimsy....09 August, 2011 17:08

    Oh what a great song! :)

  11. Smash Mouth is totally a group I think of when I think of the 90's! So many good soungs


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