09 August 2011

YA Book Review: Bite Me by Parker Blue

Release Date: 1 August 2011
Publisher: Amulet Books
Source: Publisher via NetGalley

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Goodreads description:
An edgy book for teens that spans the gap between YA and adult fiction. Life after high school is tough enough without having to go 15 rounds with your inner demon. Val Shapiro is just your ordinary, part-demon, teenaged vampire hunter with a Texas drawl. And a pet hellhound named Fang. Soon enough she finds herself deep in the underbelly of the city, discovering the secrets of the Demon Underground and fighting to save those she loves. Whether they love her back or not.
My Thoughts...

I didn't expect to like this book because, honestly, I've burned myself out on vampire books.  However, what I apparently have NOT burned myself out on is demons. DEMONS. :-) This book was action-packed and filled with surprises and twists and snarky humor (my favorite kind!)

Val really made this story for me.  I thought she was tough and not just in a kick-butt fights-vampires kind of way.  She has to deal with a ton of personal stuff and she takes it pretty much in stride.  When she is kicked out of the house on her 18th birthday, she says "Fine.  I can do this." And she does.  From finding a job and somewhere to live, Val doesn't give up--she steps up to the challenges that beign half-demon has presented her.  Sure, she may never have a good dating relationship in her future, but she's found a powerful outlet in fighting vampires. Val's story is complemented by her snarky side-kick terrier, Fang--a half-hellhound.  He was awesome. His humor pervades the story and made me laugh over and over again. 

Bite Me was really a surprising read for me.  I couldn't put it down! I started the book in the morning before work and couldn't help but pick it up on little breaks here and there! The combination of action and humor with a kick-butt heroine and a snarky dog--FABULOUS. I also can't help but love the slightly older protagonist--it really brings an older demographic into the reading scene.  More authors should write YA for 18-24 year olds! (Please?)


  1. I haven't heard of this one before but it looks really good. I love vampires, demons, slayers, and have a fascination with southern drawls (me living in the North).  I'm glad there's action Val sounds really kick-butt. This book looks my kind of book so thanks for the review! 

    *off to add it to my TBR*

  2. I've had this on my TBR for ages...the snarky humour and strong heroine seems right up my street. Glad you enjoyed this!

  3. Oooh I shall have to check this one out!!! WIN!


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