06 September 2011

Top Ten Tuesday! (1)

This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. I haven't participated before but this weeks topic caught my eye. And...with my upcoming 2012 challenge, I kind of couldn't resist, because heaven's knows I'm stoked for a ton of 2012 sequels!
  1. Insurgent by Veronica Roth - I dare you to read Divergent and NOT be waiting on pins and needles to read Insurgent.  Impossible. I need more Tris and Four. Seriously--NEED.
  2. Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver - Delirium was a book that surprised me by making me absolutely fall in love with it. It left us with such a cliffhanger too...
  3. Fever by Lauren DeStefano - Wither was a fabulous debut novel for Lauren and I can't wait to read about Rhine's continuing journey!
  4. Enshadowed by Kelly Creagh - Nevermore was a fabulous read (even if not a perfect one for me) and I can't help but wait impatiently for the sequel! There's so much I still need to know!
  5. The Nightmare Garden by Caitlin Kittredge - I loved The Iron Thorn, need I say more? There's still so much more to learn about Aoife and I can't wait!
  6. Shadows by Ilsa J. Bick - Okay, Ashes, which comes out today, has one of the best/worst cliffhangers that I've read in a long time. I could NOT believe it was over.
  7. Surrender by Elana Johnson - If you've read and loved Possession, there's no way not to be excited about this sequel (okay, companion novel--same thing). THE ENDING. O.o
  8. Shatter Me #2 by Tahereh Mafi - Hah, Shatter Me isn't even OUT YET! But trust me, when it comes out, you definitely want to get your hands on it. I promise that you will devour it--I did in one sitting!
  9. Fuse by Julianna Baggott - Okay, so Pure doesn't even come out until February but I'm already dying for the continuation. Pure left me begging to know what happened next.
  10. Dreamless by Josephine Angelini - Starcrossed is one of those books that I started reading and then stayed up into the early morning hours to finish. I just couldn't put it down!
Wow, that list was incredibly difficult to narrow down to just 10!! There are so many good series/trilogies just starting out there right now that it's hard to choose.  If you're interested, I'm hosting a challenge that focuses on sequels beginning in January and preliminary information can be found here. Check it out!


  1. 2, 3, and 4!! I have these, too!! Seriously can't wait. :)

  2. I need to read the first books in all the series you've listed before I read the sequels. Someday, I'll get to them all, lol.

  3. That's a great list, it's sad but a lot of the books you listed I haven't read the first book yet. :(

    I definitely can't wait until next year when Bloodrose is released as well as Shine (#3 in the Shade series)have you read it yet? lol

  4. Reflectionsofabookaholic06 September, 2011 20:48

    I don't think I'm reading 10 different series right now.  Great list.

  5. Great list! Insurgent and Pandemonium made it into my top 10 as well. I heard so many good things about Ashes, can't wait to read it!

  6. Love Pandemonium's cover. I've also got Insurgent and Fever in my Top Ten Tuesday post.


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