04 September 2011

In My Mailbox (14)

"In My Mailbox" is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren where we can show some love to all the books that we got in the mail or otherwise!

Hello, my lovelies!!! So, this week, I have my first video blog! It turns out that I'm a bit chatty and really too lazy to edit much. Sooo....it's kind of long and you don't have to watch it, lol. But here it is anyway!

For Review (from NetGalley):
Prized (The Birthmarked Trilogy)Without TessIf I Tell
Prized (The Birthmarked Trilogy) by Carah O'Brien (thanks, Macmillan Children's!)
Without Tess by Marcella Pixley (thanks, Macmillan Children's!)
If I Tell by Janet Gurtler (thanks, Sourcebooks Fire!)

What's in YOUR mailbox?!


  1. The cover of The Carrier of the Mark, looks really good! I've heard great things about it(:
    Awesome books this week!:D


  2. Paranormalcy is great, I'm sure you're going to love it. It's hilarious! 

    Books of Amber

  3. Oh, dude. I'm really dying to read Prized but I don't want to read it on NetGalley. I heard there's like, a love square. O_O 

    - Mary [Anxirium | IMM]

  4. You have a nice selection there! I'm really looking forward to reading Prized!


    Please stop by and check out my IMM!

  5. Lisa @ Lost in Literature04 September, 2011 16:08

    Great books!  I have Without Tess as well.  I've been dying to read Shatter Me!  Enjoy your books this week! :)

    My IMM

    Lisa @ Lost in Literature

  6.  Some really interesting looking books this week. I am desperate to read Shatter Me, it loks amazing!

    Check out my IMM here - http://lostinayabook.blogspot.com/2011/09/in-my-mailbox-8.html

    Emma @ LostinaYAboook.blogspot.com

  7. Marianne Søiland05 September, 2011 03:17

    Hi, just hopping trough FF (jepp - a bit late :-) and found your blog. I would love to follow you and read your reviews.
    A new follower for sure :D

  8. Marianne Søiland05 September, 2011 03:19

    Hi, just hopping through on a FF. I bit late, but who cares :D
    Look forward to reading your reviews!
    New follower for sure.


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!