31 October 2011

Book Review: Alexander Death by JL Bryan

Release Date: 23 September 2011
Publisher: Self-published
Source: Author via Kismet Book Tours
Series: The Paranormals (Book #3)

Goodreads description:
While Seth searches for Jenny, Dr. Heather Reynard of the CDC unravels Seth and Jenny's secrets.

Alexander opens Jenny's mind to her deep past, and to the full horrific extent of her powers.

Torn between her feelings for Alexander and Seth, and between her past lives and her present, Jenny must prepare to face her enemies in the final, catastrophic battle...
My Thoughts...

I HAVE to start out by saying this--BUY THESE.  (And absolutely no one has paid me to say that--it is my absolute, 100% honest opinion that you should go HERE and buy these.  They are worth every freaking penny.)

The conclusion to The Paranormals series, which began with the fabulous Jenny Pox, was a stunning finale to an absolutely phenomenal series. (How many positive adjectives can I put in one sentence?)

Alexander Death picks up right where we left our characters at the end of Tommy Nightmare. Jenny is on the run with Alexander, the mysterious zombie-master who rescued her from the riot in Charleston. Seth is desperately searching for Jenny and feeling completely guilty about his actions in Charleston (as he SHOULD BE). Dr. Reynard is trying to figure out what really happened in Fallen Oak. Ashleigh/Esmerelda is on the run with Tommy.  The scene is set for some major drama and action.

JL Bryan is not afraid to pull out all the stops, and if you're as emotionally invested in these characters as I was, this book will send you on an emotional roller coaster. I love how much Jenny really came into her own in this book, even if she totally had me worried a few times. Seth, even though I was totally mad at him at the end of Tommy Nightmare, continues to grow on me and he's really pining after Jenny and determined to get her back (which may have helped him win my heart back just a little).

Ashleigh is totally, 100% back to her manipulative self in this book and I absolutely HATED her.  Seriously, this chick is a straight-up crazy b*tch. I hated the way that she used Tommy and Esmerelda. HATED.  When she pretended to BE Esmerelda so Tommy could be with the girl he loves, well, I wanted her to DIE (for real this time).

The tension builds up throughout this book to an absolutely stellar, explosive ending.  A perfect (albeit, bittersweet) ending. I, for one, know that I will miss Jenny and the gang, so this will be a series I re-read again in the future (and probably one that I'll give away as Christmas presents to my unsuspecting family).

Be sure to check out ALL of the fabulous Alexander Death posts this week as part of the Kismet Book Tours' The Paranormals Blog Tour!
 Monday, October 31st – The Slowest Bookworm
Tuesday, November 1st – Buried In Books
Wednesday, November 2nd- Paranormal Opinion
Thursday, November 3rd – Belle Books
Friday, November 4th – Supernatural Snark

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read this series yet, but it sounds interesting. I'll have to give it a try! :)

    Thanks for the great review!



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