27 October 2011

Feature & Follow Friday!! (30)

Happy Friday, lovelies!

I hope you had a wonderful week and are looking forward to an awesome, book-filled weekend! This is my 30th Friday post with fun follow memes, and guess what?! I'm being featured! :-)

"Follow My Book Blog Friday" is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View and Allison at Allison Can Read where bloggers make new friends, including this week's featured bloggers--In Which Ems Reviews Books & ME!!!  Be sure to join in the follow fun!!

This week's question: 
Q:If you could have dinner with your favorite book character, who would you eat with and what would you serve?
I'm totally having Jenny Morton from The Paranormals series over for dinner because that chick rocks my socks off.  She's seriously kickass. It'll be great. We'll can compare notes on how terrible Ashleigh is and how cute Seth is and she can give me all the details on Alexander (you know, the details that weren't in the books, *wink*). As for food, well, I'm not much of a cook, so I will definitely be ordering in for this dinner date.  I'm thinking local barbecue--I mean, Jenny's a Southern girl so you can't go wrong with BBQ, right?! I mean, maybe she won't like Missouri style BBQ but maybe she'll love it. And there's always the carry-out pizza place down the street as a back-up plan... 

Thanks so much for visiting my blog today! I love your comments and try my best to return follows! 

(PS ~ See that link at the top of the page? The one for my potential 2012 challenge? Would you be so kind as to take a look and leave some feedback? I'd love to get an idea of if this is something that people would be interested in.  Or just answer the poll in the sidebar. Thanks!!)


  1. Hopping
    through.  A great pick. Happy

    New follower!


  2. Great answer! I haven't read this series yet, but I am anxiously awaiting Jenny Pox in the mail. 

    New follower!



  3. I haven't read that yet, but very curious about it!
    New follower :)
    MaryAnn@ Chapter by Chapter@chapterxchapter

  4. Congratulations on being the featured blog this week.  I am an old follower bt I need to come back and visit more often.

  5. Aww, congrats on being the feature for this week, Jessi! I still haven't read Jenny Pox yet (although I really, really want to!) but I'm a total BBQ girl too! I LOVE anything caked with lots of barbecue sauce! ;) 

    I hope you have an awesome weekend! I'm an old follower for sure!

  6. Shawna Hoffmann27 October, 2011 21:44

    Must be fun to be the feature of the week! I haven't read this series but it is on my list of to reads. New follower.
    Thanks <3,

  7. Congrads on being featured, nice choice  thanks for introducing me to this series. 

  8. Old follower stopping by! Congrats on the feature!

    I have been wanting to read that series but worry I might not be able to stomach some of it. It sounds so good though. :)

    Here's my FF:  http://thoughtsatoneinthemorning.blogspot.com/2011/10/follow-friday-27.html

  9. New follower stopping by! Love the background of your blog. :)


  10. Congrats on the feature, new follower, here's mine http://headstuckinabook.blogspot.com/2011/10/feature-and-follow-friday-2.html

  11. Congrats on being featured this week! I haven't read The Paranormals series (yet), but I love your answer - sounds like it would be a good time! New follower here and on Twitter (I'm trying to figure out where I know your picture from because I recognized you instantly, so I assumed I was following you already...so weird!). I voted in your poll and I'm going to check out your sequels challenge post now, too. :-)
    My Follow Friday post: http://sweetmarie-83.blogspot.com/2011/10/follow-friday-fun-18-tgif-greads-14.html

  12. Hmm I haven't heard of this series, but I love strong female characters so I'll have to check it out! Great choice! 

    new follower

    My FF

  13. Hopping through. Who writes the Paranormals series? It's not familiar to me - maybe I'm forgetting.

  14. Unabridged Bookshelf28 October, 2011 01:31

    I love the Paranormals series by JL Bryan!! I have currently only read Jenny Pox, but I loved it. I cannot wait to start Tommy Nightmare! Great Choice

    New Follower

    My FF: http://unabridgedbookshelf.blogspot.com/2011/10/follow-friday_27.html

  15. Haven't read this series, but any book with characters that would appreciate a good bbq is right up my alley! 

  16. I haven't read The Paranormals series so I don't know what they are like but it sounds like a good choice.
    New follower
    My FF: http://katesbooklife.blogspot.com/2011/10/follow-friday-3.html

  17. Howdy,

    New follower, nice to meet you. I have the first 2 ebooks to read in this series and I can't wait and a BBQ sounds perfect.


  18. Congrats on being featured!
    Just hopping through . . . I haven't read these books yet, but they are (of course) on my TBR list.

    Have a great weekend!
    Here's my FF: http://mytowerofbooks.blogspot.com

  19. Congrats on being featured. I haven't read anything in The Paranormals series, but want to. Have a great weekend :-)

    New follower! My FF

  20. New follower here! :) I just wanted to stop by and say congrats on being featured!

    I haven't read the Paranormal series but it"s on my TBR list, I'm hoping to get it soon!!

    Here's my FF: http://thoughts-of-an-endless-dreamer.blogspot.com/2011/10/follow-friday-18.html

    Hope you have a great weekend! :)


  21. Oh I didn't know this one, but it sounds nice. I'm a new follower !

  22. Great answer!  And I think ordering in is a great idea! New follower! Mom Reads My

  23. Hey there, old follower here, congrats on being featured! I just LOVE your answer, it sounds like it would be a fun dinner party! :)


  24. Hi! I love your blog! =D
    New Follower-Hira
    Check out my FF: http://hm-viewsnreviews.blogspot.com/2011/10/follow-friday-2.html

  25. Love your blog!  New follower here:) http://justalittleparanormal.blogspot.com

  26. LOL! Yeah! =D Thanks for visiting back!

  27. Colleen @ Les Livres28 October, 2011 09:13

    Congrats on the feature! New follower here. :)


  28. Congrats on the Feature! I haven't heard of this series but I'm sure she'd be fun to hang out with! BBQ is never a bad choice IMO!

    I'm a new follower!

    Sarah's Shelf

  29. Hey, I'm your 600th follower! That's cool! Congrats on being featured. I love the background image of your blog.  And you can NEVER go wrong with BBQ :D

    Ivana @ Willing To See Less

  30. Ahh I keep hearing about his series!  Congrats on being featured!  New follower here :)

    Here’s my FF

  31. Gahh it didn't link. 

    HERE:  http://thefeatherandtherose.blogspot.com/

  32. Sonette Lancaster28 October, 2011 12:23

    I haven't read this series myself but you certainly let it sound interesting! Congrats on the feature! I'm your newest follower! 

    Sonette @ Bookworm

  33. Congrats on being the feature blogger this week!  I'm a new follower.  I have not read that book.  Will have to put it on my TBR list.

  34. Sorry, misspoke on my last post, I'm an old follower actually!

  35. Happy Friday! Congrats on being featured! New follower! Your post made me hungry for BBQ. I haven't read the Paranormals.

  36. I'm not much of a cook myself, haha. 
    New follower. :)
    Once Upon A Time

  37. Congratulation on being featured! It's so much fun, huh? I bet your busy! I'm an old follower.

  38. Hi I am a new follower and wanted to say congrats on being a feature. I love the title of your blog. 

  39. Not familiar with The Paranormals, but congrats on being the F.F. featured blog!

    New follower.
    Have a great week,
    The Duchess Mommy Reads

  40. Hi Jessi!  Old follower stopping by to say hi and congrats on being featured.  I haven't read the series you mentioned but I love you answer.  :)

    My FF

  41. Haven't read that series, but great answer! BBQ is always a good choice :) By the way, new follower here and congrats on being this week's feature!

    Jamie @ Bookerella

  42. I just got this book on my Kindle.  Can't wait to get started and meet Jenny!

  43. Ooh, BBQ! Yum! Maybe I'll crash your dinner too, and bring Henry...

    Congrats, fellow feature!

  44. Hi, Jessi!!   Hey, CONGRATS on being one of the featured blogs this week!!   COOL!!!

    I see that you've chosen a character from THE PARANORMALS.  I'm no familiar with this series, so I think I'll investigate by clicking on that blog tour button...

    Thanks for introducing me to these books, and HAPP HALLOWEEEN!!  : )

    Here's my FF post:


  45. I love BBQ, if Jenny won't eat I will! Really want to read Paranormalcy, probably should now two books to get stuck into.

    I chose Ai Ling from Sliver Phoenix cos that girl loves to eat!

    New follower hopping through.

  46. I've never heard of the Paranormals, but... I assume you mean the Jenny Pox series? That...sounds like it'd be an interesting date.  :) Good choice for the Halloween weekend, I must say!

    Hopping on through a day or so late. Here's mine if you'd like to see it: http://wp.me/p1twUF-5S Have a good weekend!


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!