11 November 2011

2012 Sensational Seconds Challenge

I now that it may surprise some of you, but I've decided to participate in the 2012 Sensational Sequels Challenge hosted...HERE!  As the creator, how could I not, right? :-)  I'm super excited about many of the sequels coming out in 2012, so without further ado, here's what I'm hoping to accomplish for this challenge next year!

Participation Level:
  • Level 4 (Crazy): 13+ sequels
My "Top 13" Sequels to Read in 2012:
  1. Insurgent by Veronica Roth
  2. Until I Die by Amy Plum
  3. Dreamless by Josephine Angelini
  4. Arise by Tara Hudson
  5. Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
  6. Fever by Lauren Destefano
  7. Enshadowed by Kelly Creagh
  8. Outpost by Anne Aguirre
  9. The Nightmare Garden by Caitlin Kittredge
  10. Perception by Kim Harrington
  11. The Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
  12. Shadows by Ilsa J. Bick
  13. Surrender by Elana Johnson
That is by no means the definitive list of the sequels that I plan on reading in 2012.  There are simply way too many fabulous books coming out for me to even begin listing! I think I started listing them all and got to 25 before I realized it was a bit silly to do so.

So...are you participating? Be sure to write up your own post and sign-up HERE. :-)

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