11 November 2011

2012 Sensational Seconds Challenge - Sign-Ups!

This is the first time I've ever hosted a challenge so I hope you'll stick with me throughout the year! It's going to be a learning process for sure.  I fell in love with so many debut authors and series this past year that I just couldn't get the idea for this challenge out of my head! I'm hoping that it works out and I can keep it up in future years. :-)

The Books:
  • This challenge is specifically focused on YA and MG "seconds" being published between Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2012. This includes sequels (the second book in a series only) and companion novels!(If you want a "bonus" challenge that pairs well with this, be sure to check out Shanyn @ Chick Loves Lit's Sophomore Reading Challenge!)
  • I've started a Goodreads list HERE that can help you keep up with some of the upcoming sequels/companions (there are 95 books on the list so far!).  Be aware that this list is not necessarily comprehensive, although I've been trying my best to keep it updated.
    • This list is just the US sequels being released in 2012.  I'll openly admit that I don't keep up with foreign releases.  If you live in another country, feel free to post reviews for newly released sequels in your country!
  • The books must be read between January 1 and December 21, 2012 to count towards the challenge.  I know some people have been lucky enough to read some sequels prior to 2012, but those won't be counted towards this challenge.
The Challenge:
  • The goal of the SSC will be to read sequels/companion novels! *duh* There are four different levels that you can choose to participate at:
    • Level 1 (Beginner): 1-4 books
    • Level 2 (Intermediate): 5-8 books
    • Level 3 (Advanced): 8-12 books
    • Level 4 (Crazy): 13+ books
  • Anyone can join! You don't have to be a blogger specifically, but you do need to review the sequels that you read somewhere (such as Goodreads, LibraryThing, Shelfari, etc.) in English
  • There will occasionally be giveaways! (Still TBD...but they'll be for participants only)
  • You can join anytime! Just set your goal and get started!

I'd love it immensely if you could write up a brief post on your blog (if you're a blogger) saying that you're going to join in the challenge (but you don't have to and I'll still <3 you for signing up).  If you don't have a blog, link up to your profile where you will post reviews (Goodreads, etc.). Feel free to include the button from above (or make your own brand new one to share)!


  1. Hey Jessi, This is a really cool challenge and also a good way for me to keep track of the second books i want to read lol ;)
    Tristan @ reads With Wreckless Abandon

  2. Does the second book have to be published in 2012 or just a second book you haven't read yet?

  3. Nevermind I just read it lol

  4. I was thinking about doing something like this about a week before I saw you posted about it initially, and then you sort of blew my mind in a good way. Obviously I love the idea. :D

    Definitely participating! :)

  5. I would love to sign up for this challenge. I don't have a personal blog, but I can review them on Goodreads.

  6. Goodreads works perfectly. :)

  7. Sweet. Thank You!

  8. This challenge is fantastic. Thank you so much for hosting it. I was thinking about doing something like this. I will make a blog post about it within the next week or so. I am looking forward to it.

  9. Hi Jessi,
    I am just launching my blog probably next week and I will be happy to participate in your challenge. Thanks for the invite. When my link is up I will send to you.
    Ok Here is the link it is finally on the blog. Hopefully you can add it on.

  10. LOVE this challenge! I linked up and posted about it on my blog!
    Happy Reading!

  11. I put my name instead of my blog name when I first signed up. I have now put the link up as my blog Book Loving Mom. Could you just delete the one on there as Amy Fournier if that's possible. It's number 19. Thanks. :)

  12. It won't let me delete it myself otherwise I would.

  13. This sounds like a good way to get me to read those second novels! Thanks for the challenge! I don't have a blog but I review my books on Goodreads :D

  14. I'm new to all of this but I would LOVE to be a part of it! I created an account and tried posting it to my blog 
    http://stegosaurusrawr.blogspot.com/2012/02/reading-in-corner-2012-sensational.html  however I dont know where to go from there, help much appreciated!


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!