21 November 2011

Cover Crazy (6)

"Cover Crazy" is a meme hosted by The Book Worms to gush over talk about cover designs that we love!

Arise by Tara Hudson

I think this cover probably made its first "unofficial" appearance when HarperCollins put up their Spring 2012 catalog. But, Tara did a blog post with the more finalized version (pictured to the left) last Thursday, so I decided to share this one today.

To start, I really like the colors that they used on this one. The blue/green/purple color scheme is really beautiful in my opinion. It feels darker than the first one.

I also really like the font. It looks like it is the same font that they used for Hereafter, which I also loved.  It helps the novels fit together.

Now, for the girl in the dress, I like it.  I know that some people have talked about how the two novels don't seem to fit together, but I actually think that they do.  I guess maybe they could have faded her out more at the bottom, but I think that having less fading is quite possibly an indication of her status as "more" than just a ghost.
 The two cover together.

I can't wait to read this one! It's on my list as part of my 2012 sequels challenge. :-)

What do you think? Gorgeous? 
Do you like it more or less than Hereafter?


  1. LOVE the cover! It's so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!


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  2. I really like the font, too.  I think the covers do go together because there's a transparency to the model, but you're right, they probably could have faded her bottom a bit more!

  3. The cover of Arise is sooooo beautiful! I really like it!! Great choice! Thank you for sharing it!

    Books For All Seasons


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