22 November 2011

Tune in Tuesday (9)

A weekly feature hosted by GReads! that showcases music! Each week she posts a new or old song in hopes to gain more interest. Join in the fun and spread the love of music! If you want to participate, follow the link above and link up at her blog...then check out what everyone is sharing this week!

This Tuesday's Tune: No Light, No Light
by Florence and the Machine

This is from Florence & the Machine's newest album,Ceremonials, which I am very anxiously patiently waiting to get from the library. There were a LOT of holds on it. I think I'm up to #16 or so (out of the still waiting 50 holds). The library bought 8 copies so *fingers crossed* that I get to listen to the whole CD soon! :)


  1. I love the sound of her voice..but I have to admit, I always say WTF on her videos! LOL

  2. Oh, so true! I don't usually watch the videos, lol. SO STRANGE.

  3. haha aren't most music videos like that, though?  I've tried listening to Florence + the Machine before, but never thought I liked it.  I loved this song, so apparently I just didn't give it enough of a chance!

  4. She's one of those artists that I had to hear a number of times before it really clicked with me. :)

  5. love her music! I didn't realize she had a new album. Her videos are so strange-lol.

  6. There's seriously no way to go wrong with a little Florence & the Machine. Well, unless you're watching the videos, I agree. lol. I'll have to see if my library has the cd yet! Good idea!! Thanks :)

    My Tune in Tuesday pick!


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