05 December 2011

(ARC) YA Book Review: Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout

Release Date: 6 December 2011
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Format: eARC 
Source: Publisher via NetGalley

Buy It!

Goodreads description:
Starting over sucks.

When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I’d pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring…. until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up.

And then he opened his mouth.

Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something…unexpected happens.
My Thoughts...

[When I posted on a WWW post that I was reading this book, I got SO MANY comments telling me to read Ms. Armentrout's Half-Blood, and after reading (and LOVING) this, I can assure you that I WILL make time to read Daimon and Half-Blood, both of which I bought for my NookColor quite some time ago. I PROMISE.  So please don't flog me for not having read them yet--I'll get there.]

Now, onto this awesome book!  Katy has just moved from Florida to BFE, West Virginia and she's none too pleased about the move.  However, determined to adjust and be happy for her senior year of high school, she takes her positive attitude next door to meet the neighbors, only to be greeted by a downright gorgeous...jerk.  Daemon is none too welcoming, but thankfully Dee, his twin sister, is much more welcoming and looking for a friend. As Katy begins to settle into her new life, all strange rumors about her neighbors aside, she could never guess what was about to happen and how it would change her life.

A few second later, the video started and there I was, in all my book nerd glory, shoving cover after cover in front of my crappy webcam.
-p243, eARC
You will fall in love with these characters, especially Katy.  Katy rocks my socks off.  She's a tough girl with a soft spot for her heartbroken (but slowly recovering) mother.  And what's more? She's a book blogger--tell me you can't identify with that! (And lol, can you GUESS what post she's talking about in the quote above?)  Moving beyond that little detail, she's easy to like and relate to and love. (I mean, that moment when she dumps spaghetti on another girl...PRICELESS.)  She's pretty tough on the outside, but the girl really doesn't give herself enough credit.  I mean, from the spaghetti dumping incident to some pretty kick butt stuff later, she's got some attitude.
Beautiful face. Beautiful body. Horrible attitude. It was the holy trinity of hot boys
-p24/25, eARC
Okay, so did you laugh at that description of Daemon? Because isn't it SO TRUE in so many of the books out there? I loved that she just said it. And yes, Daemon is all of those things.  BUT, he's also super protective of his sister and for that I give him a lot of credit.  His on-again/off-again attitude with Katy definitely drove me nuts at times. His sister, Dee, on the other hand, is flipping fabulous!  She's got the best friend thing down perfectly and I simply love, love, loved her.
My stomach flipped thinking about how close his lips had been to min. Worse yet was the knowledge that I had wanted him to kiss me.  Like and lust must not have anything in common.
-p69, eARC
Holy sexual tension, Batman! This book is full of it! *fans self*  Yes, Daemon is an ass...but as always, he's a super HOTT ass (*pun intended*) and for that many people will forgive him--apparently myself included.  But, moving right along...this story was a really great read.  There was action and steamy romance and so much more!

Oh my holy heavens this ending will leave you BEGGING for more! I can't wait for the sequel to come out in March!  You can already buy this one for Kindle and Nook TODAY (you know, instead of tomorrow, lol) and you SHOULD.  It's only $5.99 and believe me--that' steal.  I already bought my copy (because hello, sometimes a girl just wants a sexy bad boy and some sexual tension!).


  1. YES! I laughed so many time during this book! I think I even tweeted the 'holy trinity' quote. Loved this review!! <33

  2. I got this on Netgalley and never read it because I had so many other books to read and I LOVE Jennifer!
    I've read The Covenant series and just got my ARC of Pure in today! Yay! It was pure joy when I opened that envelope!
    I'm glad you're a believer now and I know you'll love the Covenant series!

    I loved your review with the quotes in it! LOL @ her holding books up at her webcam, LOL! A little 'in your mailbox'  me thinks! I love that she's a book blogger. The Holy Trinity comment was a riot, how funny is that and sadly kinda true :o]

    Fantastic review and I'll be reading this as soon as I finish Pure.  

    Thanks for sharin', Chicky-poo!

  3. Sounds like a very interesting book! Like the idea. Thanks for the review. :D


    Enter my giveaway to win "Swirls" the first in The Outsiders, a new YA series: http://wordsoftheworlds.blogspot.com/2011/12/outsiders-giveaway-special-guest-post.html

  4. I didn't get it on NetGalley (very sad face), but the concept grabbed me immediately. And she's a book blogger? How can I pass on that!

  5. Seriously, if I read ONE MORE gushy review for this book, I will explode. No.... wait.... I.... too late! *EXPLODES*

    Sooo excited to read this! Everyone is raving about it and I love that Katy is a book blogger <3 If that doesn't make her instantly relatable to the vast majority of us, I'm not sure what will haha. And oh my, I love me a bad boy. One that's a total sexy jerk with a protective side.... I love YA hotties that can simultaneously infuriate me and make me swoon <3 FANTASTIC REVIEW!

  6.  Loved this review!! <3 want it badly

  7. Loved your review. I am off to write mine and get it up on the blog.


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