03 December 2011

Blog Tour: Masquerade by Cambria Hebert

Release Date: 16 December 2011
Publisher: Otherworld Publishing
Format: eARC 
Source: from the Author

Grab the prequel, BeforeAmazon| Smashwords | B&N
Pre-order Masquearde!! Otherworld Publishing
Heven was attacked leaving the library one evening and life ever since then has been, just, different.  She was left with a horrible scar on her face that she is constantly trying to hide behind her hair.  Her personality shift from bubbly head cheerleader to a shy, reserved girl is fairly extreme as she attempts to hide from the stares and questioning glances of her classmates.  When Sam wanders into her life, everything begins to shift for the better...until reality catches up with both of them and they have to fight for their lives.
My Thoughts...

After reading the prequel, Before, I was so excited when Cambria agreed to include me in her blog tour! Trust me, buy and read Before and you'll know what I mean. It totally leaves you begging for the rest of the story!

Heven was an incredibly sympathetic character--I was drawn to her struggle instantly.  She's constantly hiding away behind her scars and fears that others won't accept her with her scares.  I was always grateful for Kimber's presence and continued friendship for Heven, although at times I wished Heven would see that others would accept her if she would stop hiding.  I mean, damn, I loved this girl but show the world how tough you really are and stand up to your at times bitchy best friend!  By the end of the book, Heven is starting to come into her own and show the world a little of the tough chick I think is inside of her.

Sam definitely kicked butt in this novel.  The little glimpses that you get of him in Before definitely leave you intrigued and wondering what more there is to this mysterious boy.  Who is he? Better yet, WHAT is he? (BTW, the reveal kicks butt, so I'm not gonna tell you what's up.)  Sam is super sweet throughout the entire novel and I loved how much he loved Heven--especially that he was willing to back off when she told him to.  I was honestly happy that at least she acted repulsed at his big reveal of what he is because too often that kind of thing is like "Oh, you're a ____? *shrugs* That's cool."  Sam and Heven's relationship definitely develops fast and is pretty intense from the get go, but I liked them together. 

I loved being surprised by this story, so I don't want to give too much away.  Let's suffice it to say that Masquerade is a novel that I won't soon forget and I'll definitely have my eyes open for the release of book two! So much happened in the 300ish pages of this novel, and I can't wait to see what Sam and Heven will go through next.  Ms. Hebert's blend of high school drama, first love, and action/adventure makes this a read that many paranormal YA fans can't miss!

Masquerade by Cambria Hebert
As part of the "Heven & Hell" blog tour, I'm super excited to bring you...

A "This or That" Interview with....Sam!!

Hi, Sam! Welcome to Reading in the Corner! I'm super excited to have you here today! Let's go ahead and dive right into this fun interview. I know people are dying to learn more about you.


...Coffee or Tea? 
Coffee is okay, my girlfriend Heven really likes it but I prefer tea. Bubble Tea to be exact. My favorite place to get bubble tea is from Bubble Mainiea in Portland. Have you ever tried it? It has these giant tapioca balls at the bottom that taste like big gummy bears
Actually, I LOVE bubble tea. We have a local place that makes it here, too!
...Chocolate or Vanilla? 
Most definitely chocolate. It’s my favorite flavor of Bubble Tea and Ice cream. 
Yay, a chocolate lover! We'll get along fine. *wink*

...Sweet or Sour? 
Sweet. Who doesn’t like a little bit of sugar? 
Um, crazy people, that's who. :-)

...Winter or Summer? 
I don’t really have a preference. I don’t get cold…. I mean my body temperature usually stays the same. I really like the swimming in the summer but Heven isn’t much for the water… I’m trying to talk her into letting me teach her how to swim. I really like the snow too, I would love to get a snow mobile and rip through the snow banks at Gran’s farm. 
I'll go swimming with you any day. *wink*

...mac & cheese or spaghetti? 
Mac & Cheese!! I like to get those little packs that go in the microwave… it’s a guy staple. 
Mmmm....now I've got a craving for some blue box mac & cheese!

...cats or dogs? 
Ummmm…. Neither? Animals and I don’t really get along. 
Oh, well, I guess you won't be visiting me and my cats anytime soon, will you? :-(

...books or movies? 
I really like to read Comic Books….they are filled with action and adventure and people who sometimes have something about them that isn’t ordinary. I was never a movie person until I met Heven. 
Lol, I think significant others often turn us into movie people.  :-)

...cake or pie? 
Pie… any kind of pie that is made by Heven’s Gran. That lady can cook! 
Grandma's simply make the BEST PIE EVER. No competition there!

...boxers or briefs? 
*Grins* *Clears throat* Sometimes it’s easier to where none at all. 
*Blushes* Dude, family friendly blog here! LOL!

Thanks for having me here today at Reading in the Corner…. I brought a few things along that maybe you could giveaway. I have a necklace… its nothing fancy but it might come in handy sometime… it’s a dog whistle. Heven wears one wherever she goes. I also brought along a paperback of mine and Hev’s story and a bookmark so you don’t lose your page. 

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a shift at the gym where I work.

Awwww....isn't he the sweetest?!  He brought gifts and one of you lucky readers gets to have them all!!  Be sure to enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below! Trust me, lovelies, you want to read this book! And it gets better!! Cambria has agreed to make this an INTERNATIONAL giveaway! YAY! :-) So...scroll down and enter away!

About the Author:

Cambria Hebert is an author, a blogger and a latte sipper. She has an irrational fear of chickens (EWWW!) and is obsessed with werewolves. She would rather have coffee (Starbucks please!) than food and her favorite TV show is the Vampire Diaries. You can find her stalking the YA aisles of Barnes and Noble with her iphone glued to her hand. Check out her website!!


  1. Natasha Anne Fernandez03 December, 2011 08:15

    Hehe, an insight on Sam's life, lovely! 
    Great post, can't wait to meet you and Heven soon!

    Natshane Dreamland Teenage Fantasy 

  2. Such a great interview! I love Sam, and after this interview even more...I still haven't got to the part where we learn what he shifts into, but after this post I don't think it would be long...
    Great giveaway, I wanted a dog whistle ever since I read about it in the book! :)

  3. Mac and Cheese please!!!

  4. Chocolate - a boy after my own heart!

  5. Bubble tea and macaroni! Fun interview girls! Another fab prize! You guys rock!

  6. Loved this interview! So much fun.

  7. Great interview I can't wait to meet Sam in this series. I'm really loving that he likes the snow I am a northern girl and the snow I miss the most. He also likes chocolate oh yeah I'm a huge chocolate lover. His answers were great.

  8. I love character interviews and this interview with Sam is especially fun.  Thanks for the giveaway.  I could most definitely use a dog whistle necklace to ward off all the _____ that may creep into my life.  For those of you who are familiar with Heven and Sam, you know.

  9. Aw, what a cute post! Love the This or That with Sam! :)

    Great idea. I'm definitely entering the giveaway.

    I'm December 5th on the Tour, so please stop by!


  10. A great interview with Sam there! I love his response to Boxers or Briefs question. ;) 

    Thanks for the giveaway! I've been wanting to read this for ages! :)

  11. Bahahaha! The this or that interview was hysterical! And so were your comments on Sam's answers! Can't wait to read the book :))

  12. Thanks so much Jessi for being part of the tour! This was a fantastic post, and the interview with Sam was perfect!!! I am so thrilled everyone is enjoying it and entering the giveaway.... and let me also say that I SUPER impressed that everyone is keeping underwraps what exactly Sam is.... LOVE the suspense. you all rock!

  13. Awww, Love the interview with Sam!  Great job!!

  14. Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. LOL! haha. The last one was funny! We are total opposites. I mean I would've chose different answers for most of them, but then again opposites attract ;) Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  16. Okay Sam you have just introduced me to Bubble Tea. A totally new concept to me. I think I'll give it a miss thanks.


  17. Bubble tea! <3
    I wonder if the bubble tea at Portland tastes the same as what I have here ;)

    Thank you so much Cambria and Jessi for making this giveaway international!
    Haven't started on Before (oops? :P) but totally can't wait for Masquerade already~ ^^

  18. Never heard of bubble tea.

  19. loved the interview! that bubble tea, i have never hear of lol thanks for the giveaway :)

  20. Catchingashootingstar07 December, 2011 18:42

    Applause! Bubble tea and comic books, GOLD STAR!

  21. Amazing interview! It was funny and I've never heard of Bubble tea. 

  22. I think the answers are pretty good,

    the last one was especially funny


  23. Oh my gosh! You don't get along with animals? I love animals. You're last answer is hillarious. :]

  24. Natasha Anne Fernandez17 December, 2011 11:08

    I am so excited! Thank you so much for everything! This is so exciting!


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