02 December 2011

Friday Fling Mini-Review: Before by Cambria Hebert


 During Friday Fling , I share with you a short story or "just for fun" book that I read and really enjoyed.  It is a "mini review" instead of a full review to introduce you to something that I think is simply a fun, quick read--you know, like a cheap, easy Friday night date. *wink* Enjoy!

Release Date: 18 November 2011
Publisher: Otherworld Publications
Source: Purchased

Buy It! Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Goodreads description:
What if your life was charmed and everything in it was perfect… Before.

This is the story of my past. Of what things were like for me when everything was normal. Of what every teenager’s life is like. Clothes. Parties. Boys and summer vacation. What’s so wrong with that? I liked it. I was happy.

Until things changed. I changed.

I didn’t know that lies and secrets were about to take over my existence. I didn’t know there was someone out there, someone meant just for me. I didn’t know that I was about to go on a journey, a journey that would lead me to the girl I am today. This is the beginning of the worst year of my life. Would I go back and change things? Erase everything that has happened to go back into these moments?

Not a chance. This is a story of before
My Thoughts...

A Goodreads friend of mine recommended this author to me and I have to say that I'm so happy that she did.  The writing is fabulous and it's most definitely a short story that will make you want to read the upcoming novel.

In Before we are introduced to Heven and Sam, our two MCs from both of their POVs.  The alternating POVs works well and the transitions are smooth.  The short story gives you just enough of a glimpse into the lives and personalities of each person that you feel that first glimmer of a deeper connection.  Heven wasn't the type of character that I generally "click" with right away, but SAM left me completely intrigued. WHAT IS HE? The darker snippets that we get from his POV lead me to believe that this boy's got some secrets and I NEED to know what they are.

The cliffhanger in this short story left me wanting MORE...in the good way.  The author got me excited to learn more about these characters and what happens to them, which is what a prequel should do, right? I definitely recommend checking this one out and then preparing yourself to wait for the full novel, which is set to be released on December 16!!

**Check out Cambria's website!**


  1. Glad you liked Before! I finished my ARC of Masquerade, and I think you'll really love it.

    Check out my review here: http://wordsoftheworlds.blogspot.com/2011/11/review-time-masquerade.html

    I'm also part of the Heven and Hell blog tour. December 5th is my date. Check out the post if you'd like. :)


    PS: If you're interested, I'm looking for bloggers for my Blog Tour in January. Email me at: AlexandraLanc@aol.com

  2. Great Jess! I am so excited for your tour stop tomorrow!


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