19 March 2012

(ARC) YA Book Review: Allegiance by Cayla Kluver

Release Date: 28 February 2012
Publisher: HarlequinTeen
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher via NetGalley

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Goodreads description:
Only I saw Narian for who he truly was: a young man with courage and an independent mind, and made to pay for what was outside his control. He couldn't help his past any more than he could help the way those intense, deep-blue eyes pierced me and held me captive.

An eighteen-year-old queen in love with the enemy as their countries pass the point of no return...

Bound to a man she cannot love, Queen Alera of Hytanica must forget Narian, the young man who holds her heart. For Narian is destined to conquer Hytanica at the behest of his master, the powerful magic-user known as the Overlord. Alera doesn't truly believe Narian will fight against Hytanica-until Cokyrian troops attack with Narian commanding the charge.

Faced with the greatest betrayal a heart can know, Alera must set aside personal feelings and lead her kingdom through its darkest time. And when all hope, will and courage seem lost, she must find strength and remember that even the blackest night must have a dawn...
My Thoughts...

While I thoroughly enjoyed Ms. Kluver's debut, Legacy, I went into the sequel with equal amounts excitement and trepidation.  I suppose it's that latter part that kept me from reading this one right away and I certainly with I had take the dive back into this world sooner! In Allegiance, she has taken the beautifully crafted world of Hytanica and pulled readers right back into the world that we left a year ago.  Very little time has passed since the end of Legacy--you dive right back into Alera and Steldor's wedding...

Alera has transformed from a free-spirited young woman into a rather sullen yet feisty Queen.  She hides the depth of her feelings for Narian, even when her relationship is finally revealed to her now-husband Steldor. You can tell that she longs to break free of her role as Queen from the moment it begins but is trapped by responsibility and her love for her family. While I was wholeheartedly cheering for Narian in Legacy, I found that there were definitely moments when I wanted Alera to at least throw Steldor a bone, especially toward the beginning.  His actual love and affection for her is quite obvious and endearing.  He does a number of things later on that are not exactly endearing, but all the while his intentions really do seem like that of a man in love.

The world-building and storytelling is once again fabulous in this novel and I'm constantly astounded at the story that Ms. Kluver crafted at such a young age.  I felt like her writing matured quite a bit in this novel as well and I didn't find myself bogged down in over-attention to minute details as I did with Legacy.  The heart-pounding action in this novel will most definitely keep readers on their toes.

If you enjoyed Legacy, I recommend that you rush out to read the sequel because it is even better than its predecessor!


  1. I've been seeing this one a lot I'm getting more curious every time. I really have to check out the first book. Lovely review Chicka!!

  2. What a great review.  I agree, storytelling at its finest!  I didn't find the writing nearly as bogged down with details as in Legacy, either.  I was a die hard Narian fan in the first book, but in this one Steldor definitely made a comeback.  He really changed and it was obvious he's deeply in love with Alera.  Its just so sad she doesn't reciprocate his feelings.  


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