21 March 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (55)

"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where book bloggers discuss the books that they are most anxiously waiting for! (And this fabulous button was designed by my dear blogger friend Lindsay at The Violet Hour)

This week I'm waiting on...

Feedback by Robison Wells
© 2 October 2012 by HarperTeen
Benson Fisher escaped from Maxfield Academy’s deadly rules and brutal gangs.

Or so he thought.

But now Benson is trapped in a different kind of prison: a town filled with hauntingly familiar faces. People from Maxfield he saw die. Friends he was afraid he had killed.

They are all pawns in the school’s twisted experiment, held captive and controlled by an unseen force. As he searches for answers, Benson discovers that Maxfield Academy’s plans are more sinister than anything he imagined—and they may be impossible to stop.
OMG if you read Variant last year that I bet you understand my eagerness to get my hands on this sequel!! The cliffhanger ending was BRUTAL and I can't wait to finish it up with the sequel (just a sequel--not a trilogy or a long, drawn-out series = perfect).

Add it to your Goodreads shelf!

Also, I figured I would combine this post with W.W.W. Wednesdays...so here is some more info about my reading for this week! To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…Grab the logo...and post your link at Should Be Reading!

I'm so far behind on reading my review books. :( I can't wait for this semester to be finished so I can get back to it for real!


What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
Do you notice these last four? Yeah, I'll admit that I've become a tad obsessed with Entangled Publishing's Indulgence line. :) Category romance--not something I ever thought I'd get myself hooked on, lol.
What do you think you’ll read next?

What are YOU waiting on this week?


  1. Adriana C @ Reading Fictional21 March, 2012 13:54

    I haven´t read Variant, yet. I hope I read it soon.
    And this week I´m reading Sweetly by Jackson Pearce and The Weepers: The Other Life by susanne Winacker.
    My WOW

  2. Holy Crap! You have been reading a ton of books lately-lol. :) I couldn't even fathom reading that many in a week. I haven't read Variant yet, now I feel like I'm missing out. I guess i'll have to go grab this book now :) Hope your having a great week :)

  3. Oooh I didn't read Variant!!! Apparently I need to ASAP!!!


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!