02 March 2012

Friday Fling! Lucky Girl by Cate Lord @EntangledPub


During Friday Fling , I share with you a "just for fun" romance book or novella that I read and really enjoyed.  It will generally be a "mini review" instead of a full review and I'll often stray from my YA focus into the realm of adult romance (which, in case you're curious, is my guilty pleasure).  These are books that I think are fun, quick reads that are definitely worth checking out!

Gosh, at this rate, Entangled Publishing books are going to take all of my birthday money! If you enjoy romance and you haven't check out their books, I suggest you do it post-haste. :)

Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Release Date: September 2011
Get it! (for only $4.99!) Amazon | B&N
Jessica Devlin isn't looking for love--just a fling, some romance to help mend her broken heart. She never thought she had a chance with sexy playboy Nick, but he certainly seems interested. When the two finally get together, sparks fly and the love Jessica wasn't looking for might just sneak up on her.

Lucky Girl is fabulously fun, sexy, and laced with emotion.  Jessica is highly relateable in her insecurities.  I think more than one female reader will also relate with her goddess and dating mantras.  Nick is super sexy in all his British-ness (everyone loves a sexy accent) and well, even if he wasn't British he would still be the fabulously charming character that steals your (and Jessica's) heart.

For those looking for a fun romance, look no farther.

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