04 March 2012

In My Mailbox (26)

"In My Mailbox" is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren where we can show some love to all the books that we got in the mail or otherwise!

Hello, my lovelies!!! I was totally going to do a video blog this week, but I have so many that are eBooks this time around that I decided I'd just stick with the picture post this time. :)

For Review:
 Thank you to NetGalley & Bloomsbury Children's! I was really excited to see both of these show up on NG--check them out!!

Thanks to NetGalley & Flux! How AWESOME does this book look?!

Thanks to NetGalley & Marshall Cavendish! Road trip!!!



Physical Books:

What's in YOUR mailbox? :)


  1. Agnieszka Nashi04 March, 2012 08:29

    I didn't know Innocent Darkness was on NetGalley, I went to request it! @.
    Lovely haul this week, happy reading! ^^

    Here's my IMM. ♥

  2. I'm looking forward to Something Like Normal, too. Can't wait to hear what you think about it!

  3. These look like awesome reads - hope you love them all! I love Sara MacLean and hope to get my hands on A Rogue soon!

  4. Great books! I've had The Miseducation of Cameron Post on my "later" shelf at the library for a while. I look forward to reading it! 

    Happy reading! :) 

  5. I have Kiss The Morning Star, as well!  I really really can't wait to get to it.  And I am supposed to be getting an ARC of Breaking Beautiful.  For some reason that one just...CALLS to me.  Happy reading, Jessi!

    My IMM

  6. Great set! I enjoyed Miseducation. I'm curious about Destiny's Fire.
    My IMM 

  7. I LOVE all the romance ebooks. Seriously I wish more people read romance!

    Happy reading :-)

  8. I really, really want 'How to Save a Life' - I have heard incredible things about it! I love the sound of Kiss The Morning Star too! I will be adding that one to my to-read! Enjoy your haul!

    New to your blog & LOVE the theme!
    Stephanie Follow back/Check out my latest post @ Stepping Out of the Page

  9. Destiny's Fire was so so good. I hope you enjoy everything you got this week. Here's my IMM!


    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  10. Wow - great IMM this week! You got some great stuff! I'm a sucker for romance as well; even though my blog is pretty much solely YA. New follower - feel free to check out my IMM: 

  11. Innocent Darkness looks great! I really like steampunk books (:

    I hope you enjoy all of your books.

    Celine ~ Nyx Book Reviews
    My IMM

  12. Something Like Normal catches my attention.  I've heard good things about Destiny's Fire.  Happy reading!

    My IMM

  13. Awesome haul!

    I have The Miseducation of Cameron Post to read but haven't gotten to it yet. Something about too many books and not enough time...

    Breaking Beautiful looks really good as well. I like the cover.  Enjoy your books!

    Jenny at Books to the Sky

  14. Gina Scarcella04 March, 2012 22:24

    I've been waiting for Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver and Fever by Lauren DeStefano, and today I got Fractured Light by Rachel McClellan, Very excited! Fractured light is excellent! TAG! You're it! You've been tagged to answer a few friendly questions. Check out the link! http://behindamillionandonepages.blogspot.com.au/2012/03/you-caught-me.html

  15. You got a lot of fabulous books! Breaking Beautiful is on my TBR list. It sounds really good.  I need to get Destiny's Fire. I have heard it's awesome.


I love reading your comments, so go ahead and leave some love!