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Hop & Follow Friday! (4)
The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly event hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books. Have you checked out her blog? No? WHY NOT? Do so now. :-)
This week's question: "Since today is April Fool's Day in the USA, what is the best prank you have ever played on someone OR that someone has played on you?"
To be quite honest, I'm not much a prankster. Last year a friend of my husband's told everyone that she was pregnant as an April Fool's joke and people freaked out. It was HILARIOUS. (I totally guessed it...but my husband totally fell for it and so did his other friends). I've had a couple of different friends pretend to have broken up with their serious boyfriends, which actually, isn't generally all that funny!
"Follow My Book Blog Friday" is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View. Check out her site for guidelines for participating and join in the fun!
This week's question...
What is the book that you that your really don't want to admit to loving?
Well, I'm kind of a big believer in not being ashamed of anything I read (i.e. I <3 the Reader's Bill of Rights). But...let's just get this out in the open: I especially like the Riley Jensen Guardian series by Keri Arthur, but when I check them out from the public library, I always use the self-checkout... (*blush*) Actually, ummm....I kind of also love the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series by Laurel K. Hamilton...another self-checkout type of series. Oh! But probably most embarrassingly...I like the MacCarrick Brothers trilogy by Kresley Cole, despite the terrible Scottish dialect that she attempts to write into the books. SO...I guess what I'm that smutty romance novels have a special place in my heart...
Guess I'm kind of lame in the April Fool's department, and *shhhhh* don't tell that I read smutty romance novels! Can't wait to read your stories! Leave me your link!
Blog Design by Imagination Designs all images from the Don't Eat Worms kit by Lorie Davison
I'm a horrible prankster! I look sweet and innocent though so I generally still get away with it!
Why would it freak everyone out that your friend was pregnant? Just curious...
I'm a new follower!
Kristi-The Book Faery's Book Blogger Hop
New follower from the hop! Hope you'll come visit
new follower come check out my blog
Hello. I'm stopping by from Follow Friday. It looks as if we have similar taste in books. I am in college as well, though I'm probably a little older. I'm finishing a bachelor's in literature and plan to pursue a master's in library science next year. I just signed up to follow your blog and look forward to reading more in the future. Happy Friday!
Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter
Just popping in via the hop to say hi! I'm not much of a prankster either, I lack the necessary creativity to come up with something good! It looks like we have similar taste in books so I'm glad to have found your blog! I'm a new follower here and I hope you have a great weekend:)
@ Kristi - I think because she had JUST broken up with her boyfriend (not a prank) and it wasn't going well. (And, well, people will be people I suppose)
Thanks all for stopping by! I think I've followed every back! :-) Happy Friday!
Just hopping by and following through. I love the Anita Blake series!
Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
Hi! Just Stopping by on the Hop! New Follower here :)
Every girl needs a few smutty romance novels in her life!
I am your new follower.
I am not familiar with the book you said.
Romance books are rarely found in my bookshelves. But I'd love to read more of them.
it's all about books
Sadly, I also don't have any epic prank story to tell...
Have a great weekend!
Newest follower here via the Friday hop. I'm a new contemporary romance writer and a reader of almost anything! Hope you stop by and check out my blog.
I'm not a prankster at all. I'm not a good liar and I hate embarrassing people, so April Fool's Day and I just don't get along very well. I am totally gullible, though, so I'm the butt of a lot of practical jokes. Go figure.
Glad to have found you via the Hop!
New follower here!
I'm boring too: no interesting pranks when I'm the pranker or the prankee. I'm not a prankster.
I self-checkout the Demonta series. I think it's the covers that make me self-concious...
Have a good weekend!
Meg @ The Book Addicted Girl
Hi I'm a new follower! I love the Riley Jenson series too, I don't think you should be ashamed of them! It's a great series =] Have a great weekend. I love the name of your blog btw
Oh, that's mean to pretend to break up with someone! I hope they knew better than to fall for it! :)
Nice blog! I'm a new follower and I can totally see myself doing the same thing with checking out books. Either that or staring the library assistant down.. daring them to make a comment LOL
You can find me here - The Bookish Snob
Haha! I feel like people judge what I'm reading. It makes me feel a tad embarrassed so I understand the self-checkout thing.
April Fool's Day is a non-event for me. Come see why. Happy blog hop.
aha...smutty romances? GUILTY!
Happy Friday ^__^
smutty romances are TOTALLY ok in my book. :D
I wouldn't think either of those pranks would go over too well. Glad all worked out.
I am stopping by from the blog hop.
Hope you have a fun blog hop.
Stop by my blog if you like to see my answer.
Haha! I feel like people judge what I'm reading. It makes me feel a tad embarrassed so I understand the self-checkout thing.
Nice blog! I'm a new follower and I can totally see myself doing the same thing with checking out books. Either that or staring the library assistant down.. daring them to make a comment LOL
You can find me here - The Bookish Snob
Newest follower here via the Friday hop. I'm a new contemporary romance writer and a reader of almost anything! Hope you stop by and check out my blog.
Hi! Just Stopping by on the Hop! New Follower here :)
Every girl needs a few smutty romance novels in her life!
I am your new follower.
I am not familiar with the book you said.
Romance books are rarely found in my bookshelves. But I'd love to read more of them.
it's all about books
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