Welcome to my Friday blog party!

"Follow My Book Blog Friday" is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View. Check out her site for awesome reviews, author interviews, and so many other cool book-related things. Oh yeah...and directions on how to join in the event!
This week's question: Do you judge a book by its cover?
*blushes* *looks sheepishly both ways* *shakes head yes*
I totally do. Guilty as charged. I'm TOTALLY a sucker for a beautiful cover and I think a lot of people are. Actually, we discussed this in my library materials for children class because so many library books have the unfortunately unappealing, plain library board book binding. Would you rather pick that book up or the latest by Melissa Marr with the beautiful cover? Very rarely will a kid or teen pick the former (unless, of course, it's a book required by school and then the cover makes them dread it even more). I have a lot of respect and admiration for the artists/graphic designers who design book covers because seriously, they can make you pick up or pass over a book.

Old follower hopping through. Hope you'll come visit me at http://redhotbooks.blogspot.com
I definitely pick books by their covers. Usually because I'm drawn to the pretty covers first. That doesn't mean I'll pick it though!
I'm totally critical of covers too. I'm your latest follower through FF and would love you to visit my site when you get a chance.
Hey there, this is my first Follow Me Friday, nice meeting you and visting your blog! I am now a follower :)
I try not to think about the good books I might miss because I'm too busy drooling over beautiful covers haha...
Have a great weekend!!
Old follower just stopping by! I hope you're doing well and if you have some time, I would really appreciate it if you stopped by my blog to read some of my recent reviews. :) Thanks a bunch.
-Sandra from http://sandrathenookworm.blogspot.com
Hopping through. Melissa Marr has the best covers!
My Hop
Get a free download of Wings by Aprilynn Pike at my blog!
Haha I like what you said about the school assigned books. Those covers never made me want to read them!
Have a great weekend!
I totally judge a book by its cover and am not ashamed to admit it! LOL
I will defiantly be following you! Please stop by my blog and say hi! I dont bite!
Paranormal Romance
I do! Totally OFF TOPIC, but I can't WAIT for the Unbecoming of Mara Dyer!
New follower!
My Friday Follow & a Giveaway!
Hey there, Im a new follower :)
Hope you have a great weekend
Come visit my blog if you have time.
Yes, I totally judge. I think everyone does but I don't think it weighs on my decision as much as it does on others.
Hi, this is my first time to participate in The Friday Follow My Blog Hop-A lot of the 500 or so blogs I do follow join in every week so I thought why not try it-I will happily return all follows
The Reading Life
Mel u
Hi! I am a new follower! Check out my FF post when you get a chance.
Hi Jessi! New follower here!
For me, it is the cover and the title that tempt me to read the blurb. If the blurb reads great, I'll grab the book. I remember the first time I saw Harry Potter's book covers, I was like, O_o...not sure if I liked them. Love the inside but the covers weren't really to my taste.
Happy Follow Friday!!!
You can check out my website http://www.judithleger.weebly.com and http://www.judithleger.blogspot.com to see what kind of books I write.
I have two other pen names,
L.J.Leger - http://www.ljleger.weebly.com
Jadette Paige - http://www.jadettepaige.weebly.com and http://www.jadettepaige.blogspot.com
Hi Jessi
Thanks for the follow via this weeks Follow me Friday, I'm now your newest follower. I love comparing the different UK and US covers and will need to do some posts about that in the future. When you get to the UK head to Waterstones for books!
Me too! Totally judge by the cover! New follower! Please stop by and follow me back!
Happy Reading!
Hopping by for Follow-Me Friday! I do not like to judge a book by its cover. The cover is a huge selling point, though. In the end, I judge it by what is in between.
The cover is the first thing that attracts you to the book.
stop and see mine and my giveaways.
I've learned the hard way to never buy a book based off a pretty cover. I'm a new follower! My FF is at Coffee Table Reviews
I think we can all agree that even the most beautiful book cover can't sell a book if the writing's not there. Book cover art may, at best, help steer me in the book's direction (especially if I'm in a book store) but it's not going to hypnotize me into buying it right then and there.
I expound on all the marketing qualities of a good book. Just follow me back to my book blog - http://www.howardsherman.net
Thank God it's Follow Friday!?
Howard Sherman
New follower! I always judge a book by it's cover! I can't help it; I'm superficial like that, haha :) But a book is a book no matter what! Have a happy weekend!
Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books
You're right. Most people do tend to go more for pretty covers. Poor ugly books! :D
Happy Follow Friday! I'm a new follower. I hope you'll check out my blog too!
Jenny @ Into The Morning Reads
At first glance, yes. I'm either instantly drawn in or repelled by a books cover. If someone recommends a book or I'm able to read an excerpt that successfully captures my interest, then I can overlook the cover. However, first glances do matter. If the cover is pretty aweful, I might not take the time to read the excerpt.
I'm a new Follower! Happy Follow me Friday's!
At first glance, yes. I'm either instantly drawn in or repelled by a books cover. If someone recommends a book or I'm able to read an excerpt that successfully captures my interest, then I can overlook the cover. However, first glances do matter. If the cover is pretty aweful, I might not take the time to read the excerpt.
I'm a new Follower! Happy Follow me Friday's!
The cover is the first thing that attracts you to the book.
stop and see mine and my giveaways.
Hopping by for Follow-Me Friday! I do not like to judge a book by its cover. The cover is a huge selling point, though. In the end, I judge it by what is in between.
Hi! I am a new follower! Check out my FF post when you get a chance.
Yes, I totally judge. I think everyone does but I don't think it weighs on my decision as much as it does on others.
New follower here! Just hopping by for follow friday! Check out my blog: www.bethebooks.blogspot.com :)
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