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Hop & Follow Friday! (9)
Happy Friday!(It's Friday, Friday....)

"Follow My Book Blog Friday" is an awesome weekly meme hosted over at Parajunkee's View! Check out her blog and join in the follow fun!
Q. Circle time! Time to share. What character in a book would you most like to be, what character in a book would you most like to date?
Hard choices! I have to say that if I could BE a character....I would choose....(realizing I like a lot of *tragic* characters)...Anna from Anna and the French Kiss. (A) She gets to go live and go to school in Paris (and I <3 Paris). (B) Super cute boyfriend...sure he has his flaws but it all works out in the end (*swoon* Etienne). And, well, as predictable as it may be....I'd have to say I'd want to date Etienne...after he got over the old girlfriend and stopped messing around. :-)

The "Book Blogger Hop" is a weekly book party hosted over at Crazy for Books! Join in the party and get to know your fellow book bloggers!
Q: Which book blogger would you most like to meet in real life?
Ohhh.....tough choice! Do I have to pick just one?!?! I would love to meet many, many of my book blogger friends! But...for the sake of this "exercise," I'm going to have to go with the blogger I've most recently connected with, who writes reviews that I love reading, and who has a very similar taste in books to me.... Kristi @ The Book Faery!(And PS ~ you should totally check out her blog! She's starting a new meme this Saturday and I think it's going to be great!)But I also love The Violet Hour Book Reviews...and the Bookish Brunette...and Parajunkee...and Green Bean Teen Queen....and many others...and I'd *squee* at a chance to meet any of them!
I really do love you ALL! I would like to meet any and all of you love books and so do I! Oh! Whether you're a new follower or old, check out my follower giveaway! I'm celebrating YOU!
Happy Friday! Leave your link and let me know if you're a new follower!
Blog Design by Imagination Designs all images from the Don't Eat Worms kit by Lorie Davison
AWWW! I think we just need to plan our own blogger meet-up convention lol. How cool would that be?!
And yeah, I had to clarify EARLY Anita. I'm a one man kinda girl, and that's so not her these days LOL. I love JC, too... And Asher... And Nathaniel... And Damien... Oh Lord, I better stop! <3
dude i would kill to be Anna for a day! especially if St. Claire is hanging around :)haha!
ps. new follower! love the blog layout :)
Hi! New follower!!! :D
I would choose to be Alanna from the Tamora Pierce books...but I'm still looking for my perfect guy ;D
I found it really hard to make a short list hehehe
- Kylie
I haven't read that book, but I've seen it mentioned in a bunch of blogs. Must add it to my list.
New follower.
Here's mine:
I don't know any of these characters sadly, but I have heard a lot about Anna and the French Kiss lately! I'm betting it's good. ;)
Old follower! My FF can be found here!
Rebecca @ kindle fever
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It would be fun to be Anna! Hope you have a great weekend. :)
I say I want to be Merit but now I think maybe Mercy and Adam. Claire and Jamie would be great but too many people try to kill them too regularly.
NF, hope you will follow back.
Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
Twitter: @fangswandsfairy
Just hopping by, have a great weekend.
Happy Follow Friday! I am a follower! Hope you will stop by
Emma Michaels
I found it really hard to make a short list hehehe
- Kylie
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