I'm back for a Friday post! (well, it's Thursday...but I have to WORK tomorrow) While vacation was fabulous, I really did miss my blogger bonding time on Fridays/the weekend! So, here it goes again!

Follow My Book Blog Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee. Be sure to stop by her blog for the rules and join in the fun!!
Q. What are you doing to prepare for an upcoming zombie apocalypse and/or the return of Mel Gibson to the silver screen? (Both of which could be terrifying.)
I have a plan. Here it is: I have friends with a lot of...weapons. Yeah, weapons (okay, GUNS, lots of guns). They are going to come to my house because my husband and I have the alcohol (clearly necessary for the zombie apocalypse) AND my husband makes his own beer, therefore making us essential to survival. Also, my husband owns some really big fancy knives...and he keeps it under his side of the bed...just in case. But anways, the four of us are going to hunker down with stockpiles of food (THAT is why I have two freezers in my garage...) at my house because my hubby and I live in the country (clearly, the zombies will take longer to get here--seriously, they go to crowded places first, amiright?) So...yeah...that's the plan we've prepared. We also figure that once the apocalypse is over, my husband will use his stockpile of beer-making ingredients to make and sell/trade beer to the masses (because hey, it's a commodity in tough times) and that's how we'll get food and such to survive.
: )?
(Laughing yet? I mean, not that I've thought about this or anything, right?)
[OH! This is more "apocalypse" than "zombie apocalypse"...but my uncle actually BOUGHT LAND for if everything goes to hell...and he bought his specific stretch of land because it has fresh water. So...option number 2 (if I think I can make it to the east coast)...go there!]
Happy Friday my dears! Thanks for stopping by this fabulous Friday!
Leave me a comment to let me know if you're a new follower and link up to your own answer--
how will YOU survive the zombie apocalypse (or another Mel Gibson movie)??
Hopping through. Wow...two freezers! You can get a lot of food in those.
My Anniversary Hop
You think you could include me in your plan? I have cupcakes =) You sound far more prepared than I do.
Have an excellent weekend!
-Mocha from A Cupcake and A Latte: YA Reads, Reviews & More!.
Hopping by!! Im becky from bookbitereviews.blogspot.com you can see how id survive there. And you can totally tell no thought was put into your answer before hand... lol
well, you have it all planned out,,I better take notes,,lol happy friday,,,
have a great weekend..
Hi & Happy Friday!
A great answer :)
My FF is here, http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com
Have a nice weekend.
I actually think you should just get the zombies and Mel drunk. It might make everything better.
New follower.
Here's mine:
Okay, just totally changed my zombie apocalypse plans . . . I'm coming to your house. LOL
Sally @ Bibrary Bookslut
Wow, I would love two freezers!
New follower, thanks for following my blog (I had it designed by Parajunkee)
howard@malinche.netThe Follow Friday post is (and, as always, please be sure to include the signature below):
As the saying goes – the best defense is a good offense. I’ve got that covered! My preparations for the zombie apocalypse are not just intricate, they’re stylish. I’m not talking “last stand” stuff here. I mean to lure in the zombies and slaughter them wholesale while we sip champagne and watch.
How am I going to do that? Follow me back to my blog at http://www.howardsherman.net and read all about it.
Thank G-d it’s Follow Friday!
Howard Sherman, Implementor
"AND my husband makes his own beer, therefore making us essential to survival." <--- staying with you chick!!!
My FF Post!
Wow. I'm a goner. I live in an apartment so... no water supply hopes or anything.
Asking me to Pick my favorite genre is like asking me to pick my favorite food; There's no way I can come up with just one answer!
Follow me back to my blog and I'll explain - http://www.howardsherman.net
Thank G-d it's Follow Friday!
Howard Sherman
Asking me to Pick my favorite genre is like asking me to pick my favorite food; There's no way I can come up with just one answer!
Follow me back to my blog and I'll explain - http://www.howardsherman.net
Thank G-d it's Follow Friday!
Howard Sherman
"AND my husband makes his own beer, therefore making us essential to survival." <--- staying with you chick!!!
My FF Post!
I actually think you should just get the zombies and Mel drunk. It might make everything better.
New follower.
Here's mine:
well, you have it all planned out,,I better take notes,,lol happy friday,,,
have a great weekend..
Hopping by!! Im becky from bookbitereviews.blogspot.com you can see how id survive there. And you can totally tell no thought was put into your answer before hand... lol
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