Happy Friday, lovelies!
Can you believe it's that time again?! It doesn't feel like a Friday at all. I guess that middle of the week "vacation" that I took really messed with my brain!
TGIF is a weekly meme hosted by Ginger at GReads where she poses a thought-provoking question to prompt some blogger discussion!
This week's question:
I guess you could say I've always been a "fan" of darker books. My all-time favorite book in high school was Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, which I read at the suggestion of my history teacher. Now, that's a pretty disturbing book, but I can't say that it had any profound effect on me, positive or negative. However, I've always been a voracious reader so I've read a lot of "dark" books along the way. One thing that I honestly believe is that reading "dark" books have helped me to understand the world in ways that I never could have on my own. I grew up in a very good home situation, with a working father and a loving stay-at-home mom. I was VERY lucky. As I went through my student teaching a few years ago, I definitely started to learn just how sheltered my upbringing had been and saw, through the eyes of some of my suffering students, just how blessed I was to grow up where I did and how I did. "Dark" YA books have opened a window to a world that I knew existed but never had to experience. I think that Aprilynne Pike put it best at the signing I attended recently when she said that there is something for everyone, from all "bubblegum and fluff" to dark and disturbing. I think that's true and I believe that books have a way of finding their audience--and every book has its perfect reader.

"Follow My Book Blog Friday" is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View where bloggers make new friends, including this week's featured blogger--Nicki J Markus! Pop on over to Parajunkee's blog and join in the follow fun!! All you have to do is follow the featured blogger, write your own post answering this week's question, and then leave your link! Oh yeah--and then follow some new peeps!
This week's question:
Q. The magic book fairy pops out of your cereal box and says "you and your favorite character (from a book of course) can switch places!" Who are you going to switch with?
I'm going to switch with ... Tris from Divergent! (1) That girl seriously rocks. I mean, seriously, how badass do you have to be to do everything that chick does? (2) Four. Need I say more? Who wouldn't want Four? *sigh* (3) I want to zip-line off the Hancock Building. And jump off a skyscraper into a net. And jump on and off moving trains. Wow, if only I had half this chick's guts my life would be WAY more interesting!
The "Book Blogger Hop" is a weekly bookish meme where you can get to know fellow bloggers! It's generally hosted by Jen @ Crazy for Books, but this week it's hosted by Lori @ Lori's Reading Corner. Stop by and join in the fun!
This week's question:
Who is the one author you are dying to meet?
Oh...I'd love to meet SO MANY authors! Seriously, so many! I just love meeting authors! I guess if I had to pick one I would pick Veronica Roth, author of the above-mentioned Divergent. (Oh, wait! I did meet her. lol *wink*) I read her blog and I think she just seems really cool and down to earth. I ADORED Divergent. She was really cool to meet at the Dark Days signing in Naperville. Totally worth the 7 hour drive (especially since I also got to meet Amy Plum, Tara Hudson, Aprilynne Pike, and Ellen Schreiber).
**Since Blogger's GFC seems to be down on and off, you can also follow me on Goodreads or Twitter! (Or, if you're like me, go to your Blogger Dashboard and manually add URLs...but I'm a bit OCD like that!) But I hope you'll come back and follow me here too!!**
Thanks for stopping by! I'm returning the follow. :) Switching with Tris would be awesome. I loved Divergent. Have a great weekend!
Thanks for stopping by. I haven't read Divergent yet, but it's on it's way. You should read Shiver/Linger. Although I didn't enjoy Shiver as much as I did Linger. I'm following back. Happy Weekend.
Sometimes I almost think I like 'darker' books more too mainly because they tend - and I'm using that very loosely - to have a more largely developed story and the characters are fleshed out because in order for there to be an issue to be drawn into you have to know why the characters are doing what they are. It's hard to put into words, though.
As far as switching - Tris! Yes! I'm such a Divergent nut that I would love love to visit the Dauntless. And Four. I might not want to climb up a ferris wheel, though. I'll go home before that starts.
I haven't read Divergent yet but I think I will. I've been hearing such amazing things about it.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following back.
Have a lovely weekend.
I need to read Divergent. I will follow once GFC is back.
I haven't read Divergent yet!!!! *SOBS*
My FF Post!
New follower. Divergent is hands-down my favourite YA debuts this year...And because of Four, I'd gladly swap with Tris anytime LOL!
My Follow Friday post :D
Felicia @ Here's my A Novel Paradise
GRC doesn't seem to be working so I'm friending you on Goodreads first...will be back later! ^^
Hi & Happy Friday!
I hope to read Divergent soon.
My FF, http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com
Have a nice weekend.
Tris was definitely pretty awesome. Every reason you list works for me! Already following!
Here’s my FF!
I still haven't read Divergent. Too many books in my TBR pile!
Here's my follow friday!
Just finished reading the Lovely Bones. It was an OK read. I preferred the parts that happen on earth to those in heaven. A bit too surreal for me.
Have a great weekend.
I haven't read Divergent yet but have heard good reviews of it.
Hi, new follower here from the hop. Great choice and I love your blog!
Here is mine: http://amylunderman.blogspot.com/
Hey Im a new follower of your blog. Great blog. Happy Friday
Heres my Blog:
Follow Friday
Hello! Stopping by via the Hop. Sounds like you met a bunch of awesome authors! :D I'm following via Twitter (@walkingsinsects)! My post this week is here.
Don't miss loads of fun!
~Zakiya LadyWings
Just stopping by, good choice.
Old follower hopping through. I so wish I could go to one of the Dark Days events. Sadly, they're all way too far away from me. At least I have one signing to look forward to in July!
I love love love your answer. Four is all you had to say! He's enough to make me want to be Tris in a heartbeat! Great answer! ;)
I´ve heard so much about Veronica roth´s book divergent. I am so curious about that book!!! here is my hop
Wow! Every answer I’ve read is a great one. Some have been surprising, too.
The one author I have to meet before I die? Tricky question! It took me a long time – much longer than usual – to come up with an answer.
Who’s that author I’m dying to meet?
Hop this way to find out my roguish answer – http://www.howardsherman.net
Howard A. Sherman, Implementor
Hopping through. I think Dark books are very appealing for teens. I particularly liked books about sick and dying characters - like Lurlene McDaniel.
My Hop
The questions for this week's Friday meme are great but hard! I'd like to switch places with Elena from Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series. Not only is she the only werewolf but she's married to Clay. Yum! I'm your newest follower, happy Friday!
Carmel @ Rabid Reads
Sign-up for Midnight Summer Festival
Tris is a perfect choice!!!!
New follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following!
Haha when I saw how you chose Tris and gushed over Four I was like, wow is this blogger reading my mind or what? Then when I reached your Book Blogger Hop...OH MY GOD YOU PICKED VERONICA ROTH TOO!! :D
Check out my Follow Friday and Book Blogger Hop! (: New follower.
I've heard so many great things about Divergent! I can't WAIT to read it. New follwer!
Happy Reading!
Find Out Who I'd Switch!
You're crazy - I would never want to switch with Tris. Not even for a day. Not even for Four. I'm a lot like you - grew up in a nice, normal, happy home and I still live in a nice, normal, happy home. I like reading dark books, but I don't like living a dark life!
Glad to have found you via FF. New Follower!
I haven't read Divergent yet. I'm not sure I could handle the lives of my favorite characters.
I agree with you wholeheartedly about the 'dark' books in YA-- I've been reading books like Hunger and the Outsiders my whole life, and to be honest, never really considered them to be 'dark' until recently when all this hubbub started up. There are different books for different people and different moods, and I'm glad we have the opportunity to choose whatever we want, critical reporters and moms trying to preserve the nonexistent teen 'tenderheartedness' be darned.
ANYWAY, I'm following you back now and am glad to have found your blog. I loved Divergent, but wouldn't want to switch with Tris, simply because of the tragedies which befall her family and her entire universe. But under normal circumstances, I would so want to join Dauntless for a while. :) Have a good week! (I'm a little late to call it a weekend.)
I agree with you wholeheartedly about the 'dark' books in YA-- I've been reading books like Hunger and the Outsiders my whole life, and to be honest, never really considered them to be 'dark' until recently when all this hubbub started up. There are different books for different people and different moods, and I'm glad we have the opportunity to choose whatever we want, critical reporters and moms trying to preserve the nonexistent teen 'tenderheartedness' be darned.
ANYWAY, I'm following you back now and am glad to have found your blog. I loved Divergent, but wouldn't want to switch with Tris, simply because of the tragedies which befall her family and her entire universe. But under normal circumstances, I would so want to join Dauntless for a while. :) Have a good week! (I'm a little late to call it a weekend.)
Old follower hopping through. I so wish I could go to one of the Dark Days events. Sadly, they're all way too far away from me. At least I have one signing to look forward to in July!
New follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following!
Haha when I saw how you chose Tris and gushed over Four I was like, wow is this blogger reading my mind or what? Then when I reached your Book Blogger Hop...OH MY GOD YOU PICKED VERONICA ROTH TOO!! :D
Check out my Follow Friday and Book Blogger Hop! (: New follower.
I haven't read Divergent yet!!!! *SOBS*
My FF Post!
I haven't read Divergent yet but I think I will. I've been hearing such amazing things about it.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following back.
Have a lovely weekend.
Sometimes I almost think I like 'darker' books more too mainly because they tend - and I'm using that very loosely - to have a more largely developed story and the characters are fleshed out because in order for there to be an issue to be drawn into you have to know why the characters are doing what they are. It's hard to put into words, though.
As far as switching - Tris! Yes! I'm such a Divergent nut that I would love love to visit the Dauntless. And Four. I might not want to climb up a ferris wheel, though. I'll go home before that starts.
Thanks for stopping by! I'm returning the follow. :) Switching with Tris would be awesome. I loved Divergent. Have a great weekend!
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