Happy Friday, lovelies!
Guess what?! This is my 100th post!!! Woohoo!! That's about the longest that I have EVER stuck with blogging! I <3 you all SO much! Thanks for stopping by today! Leave me some follow love and I'll do my best to return the follow this weekend!

"Follow My Book Blog Friday" is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View where bloggers make new friends, including this week's featured blogger--Rhiannon Paille! Pop on over to Parajunkee's blog and join in the follow fun!! All you have to do is follow the featured blogger, write your own post answering this week's question, and then leave your link! Oh yeah--and then follow some new peeps!
This week's question:
Q. Genre Wars! What's your favorite genre and which book made it your favorite?
Okay, wow, that's a really tough question. Six months ago I would have been like...YA paranormal all the way! But...in light of my recent favorite reads...I'm going to have to say that my (current) favorite genre is...YA dystopia! I've read a lot of these lately (actually, I'm scared of getting burned out on these...), so it is hard to pick one that has me defining it as my favorite. The Hunger Games was probably my first taste...but I'm going to have to give the prize for turning dystopia into my favorite to...POSSESSION by Elana Johnson! It's so good guys; if you haven't heard about it, check out my review! She takes the cake on this one because her book was stuck in my head for DAYS after I finished reading it and the story (and the ENDING, oh, the ending) was an emotional roller coaster--one hell of a ride.
The "Book Blogger Hop" is a weekly bookish meme where you can get to know fellow bloggers! It's generally hosted by Jen @ Crazy for Books, but this week it's hosted by Lori @ Lori's Reading Corner. Stop by and join in the fun!
This week's question:
How many books are currently on your TBR pile?
Ummm...I stopped counting? No, seriously, I think that list is never-ending. If you want to see what some of the list looks like, you can check out my Goodreads "To-Read" shelf...which by no means contains all of the books that are on my reading list. I think I currently have more than 40 unread books on my NookColor and two dedicated shelves of "read soon" books in my bedroom....and 13 books checked out from the library!
**You can also follow me on Goodreads or Twitter!!**
Have a fabulous, book-filled weekend!!
Dropping by to say Hi! *waves*
Awesome genre pick! Yes Dystopian is really a great genre!
New follower here :) hoping you could follow back! ^^
Here's our Genre pick by TheJay2xA @We Fancy Books
Hopping by from the Hop!
It seems like a lot of people won't even attempt to count. And some have so many, it would take too long to count. haha. I don't. I have an easily maintainable number of books! :)
My Hop is here:
I just read Possessions! I really hope there's going to be a sequel. The ending is seriously driving me nuts haha.
New follower:)
My Book Blogger Hop & Follow Friday
Sorry I meant old follower! My brain is going crazy...
I wish I had liked Possession better than I did. The story was there but never quite put together in a way I could get behind - but that ending was killer, I will give you that! Best part of the book for me. :)
Loved HG, but Possession is on my TBR list! I can't wait!
New follower! Happy reading, friend!
Nikki @ Books Most Wanted
I stopped counting wish-list and library books--sooner or later I had to return the books, and I was racking up library fees in the process. It still seems out of control sometimes.
Happy Friday!
I don't count wishlist and library books in the TBR equation. Come read my Book Blogger Hop post in which I discuss my TBR and coin a new way of measuring it.
Dystopian seems to be the general pick today!! But I'm so on board!!!
My FF Post!
Yep, Dystopian is definitely Hot!! Happy Friday! Hugs, J
I'm really starting to love dystopia as well. The Hunger Games was amazing.
I wish I had liked Possession better than I did. The story was there but never quite put together in a way I could get behind - but that ending was killer, I will give you that! Best part of the book for me. :)
I just read Possessions! I really hope there's going to be a sequel. The ending is seriously driving me nuts haha.
New follower:)
My Book Blogger Hop & Follow Friday
Hopping by from the Hop!
It seems like a lot of people won't even attempt to count. And some have so many, it would take too long to count. haha. I don't. I have an easily maintainable number of books! :)
My Hop is here:
Sorry I meant old follower! My brain is going crazy...
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